INTERNET “EXPERTS”: Internet doc dispenses bad medicine at Huffington Post
[caption id="attachment_13866" align="alignnone" width="381"] Dr. Kristie Rivers, Internet Doctor.[/caption] Anyone can claim to be anything on the Internet. We knew a gentleman who was a dating and sex advice expert on one popular web forum, while in his real life, he hadn't had a date with a woman for…
EBOLA PREP: It’s coming. Have you started to prepare?
Unless you've been living under a rock, you've been reading about the rapid growth of the Ebola epidemic in Africa. Just this week, Barack Obama has dispatched 3,000 American troops in a humanitarian mission to Africa to help treat Ebola victims. The health care system in the affected areas…
GUN OWNER PUSHBACK: Gun-grabbing hobbles governors
In the wake of the Newtown massacre, some governors muscled through strict new gun control laws, including some laws that actually banned America's favorite rifle and many more similar guns. Certain governors were cocksure that the public supported their new gun control laws, which did nothing to stop people…
“Security” moms spell trouble for Obama’s friends
This one can stand on its own two feet. 'Security Moms' Are Back—and That's Bad News for Democrats In a time of national anxiety, women voters are again turning to Republicans to protect the country. (The Atlantic) - Suddenly, it feels like 2002. Democrats got creamed in midterm elections…
KEEPING BLACKS DISARMED: DC set to propose “may issue” carry bill
The District of Columbia, their prohibition on carrying firearms outside the home freshly struck down by the federal courts, is now proposing a "may issue" carry law. In reality, "may issue" means that politically connected cronies will get carry permits and the average resident in a city that's majority…
CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: Windy City America’s “Most Dangerous”
[caption id="attachment_13847" align="alignnone" width="628"] BET (Black Entertainment Television) posted this photo along with a story that began: "Labor Day weekend ended with a string of shootings on the streets of south and west side Chicago that left eight people dead and 23 wounded, according to Chicago Sun Times." Safe city,…
STRONG: Pajama boys and feminists fear armed women
[caption id="attachment_13840" align="alignnone" width="500"] Photo via 90 Miles From Tyranny [/caption] Check out 90 Miles From Tyranny.
SMACKDOWN! Mitch McConnell dusts Alison “I’m not Barack Obama” Grimes
Fair disclosure: I strongly dislike Mitch McConnell. He's an establishment RINO. But his ad rebutting his Democrat challenger Alison Grimes is powerful and worth 32 seconds to watch. Alison set herself up for the fall with a new campaign commercial trying to camouflage her positions by shooting a shotgun…
MOTHER JONES PANTIES ALL TWISTED UP: Crying foul over strong, attractive women
Mother Jones: The publication for the far left granola types out there. This morning, they published the latest missive in their jihad against guns and gun owners. "Disarmedu Ackbar! Disarmedu Ackbar!" they no doubt chanted as they pressed "Publish" in their Wordpress control panel. The title of the piece?…
CORONER: Arm yourself and shoot intruders
David S. Gregory - no, not the jackwagon from NBC, but David Gregory the coroner - has come out in recent days with what some see as controversial advice for good citizens to arm up and perforate home intruders in response to a surge of burglaries in his county.…