EDUCATION: Black St. Louis councilman schooled about blacks and guns
Now Antonio French will probably be the next mayor of St. Louis. His "coverage" and "reporting" on the Ferguson riots last month was very good, and not terribly inflammatory. He was on scene almost every night and right in the thick of things. He's widely respected by locals and…
HATEMAIL: ISRA shares some love from a kook
This is from ISRA's Facebook page. They don't share their hate mail very often, but this one must have been too juicy. We think she's got some mental and violence issues. (As I log into the GSL gmail account to see if we've got any lovely missives...) "YOU ARE A…
HENRY REPEATING RIFLES STEPS UP: Donates 100 Rifles to Benefit 4-Year Old Kansas Girl
When was the last time you heard about the Michael Bloomberg, Moms Demand Action (go to a singles bar, girls), the Brady Campaign (to ban your guns) or Gabby Giffords' Americans for Common Sense (or whatever vacuous name they are known by) did something nice for someone in need?…
SMACKDOWN! Missouri over-rides governor’s veto of guns in school, open carry, and 19 year old CCWs
Bad news for Missouri's squishy-on-guns Democrat Governor Jay Nixon last night. His behind-the-scenes efforts, along with the efforts of fellow Democrats, to allow him to save face on the controversial veto of a bill to keep Missouri kids safer in schools failed. It failed spectacularly. Almost as spectacularly as his…
An ISIS terror is coming to America, folks. Frankly, ISIS is probably already lying in wait for the right time or the right command to strike. Just last week, a Muslim in Chicago drove like a crazed driver in Iraq with an ISIS flag hanging out his window. When cops…
Moms Demand Action are the NRA’s “nightmare”? No, those misfits are entertainment!
Mother Jones magazine has suggested in their most recent online edition that Moms Demand Action are the NRA's biggest "nightmare". Yeah, right. Are they talking about MDA members like the women in Texas protesting a monthly open-carry event by lewdly (but not one bit lasciviously) taking their shirts off? …
PANERA HOT-LEAD BREAD: Whoops. No robbery. Awaiting the next one though…
Seems like the bad guys heard Panera Bread's announcement that they were asking good-guy gun owners to leave their guns at home. So, in Orange County California, near one of the Disney theme parks, bad guys stormed the place in the late evening, firing shots and relieving the store's manager…
KROGER CRIME: Robber tries ATM holdup in Indianapolis outside of Kroger
Shannon Watts, aka Shannon Troughton, President and owner of of VoxPop Public Relations, a boutique liberal PR firm, and her sugar daddy Michael Bloomberg are on a mission to pressure Kroger to ban guns on their premises nationwide. Unfortunately, crime happens on Kroger property. Even in the very gun-friendly state…
SAD FACE CLOWN! Shotgun-wielding home invader’s girlfriend charged with murder
[caption id="attachment_13692" align="alignnone" width="640"] Sad face clown: Cody Alicia Bowling was charged with murder after her layabout boyfriend got himself killed trying to pull an armed home invasion. Some are crying "boo hoo" but she knew what he was doing and no doubt planned to share in the loot after…