JULIE ON POLITICS: Rural sheriffs standing up to gun control
Rural Sheriffs Standing Up To Gun Control By Julie (Julie on Politics) - An increasing number of rural law enforcement officers are refusing to enforce state and federal gun control laws that they believe violate the Second Amendment, according to News 21. This trend is especially pronounced in…
LOOK OUT: Obama’s unpopularity will lead to more distractions, including attacks on gun rights
Barack Obama's approval numbers are in the toilet. They are right a where George W. Bush's polling numbers were during #43's second term, but you haven't heard the media beating the drum to announce them like they did with Bush, now have you? It's because they haven't mentioned it. …
KROGER “HOOD RAT” ATTACK: More information comes out in Memphis racial attack
The mainstream media is terribly reluctant to report on the obvious race aspect of the wilding attack outside a Kroger store in Memphis, Tennessee in recent days. The attack was captured on video and uploaded to YouTube. In the video, a female is laughing, describing the mob of black males…
PANERA: Store’s new gun ban “request” polls poorly with Americans
[caption id="attachment_13667" align="alignnone" width="640"] Screen capture from kjrh.com.[/caption] Americans are fairly consistent in their displeasure with Panera Bread for Monday's announcement telling gun owners to leave their guns at home before visiting Panera. Nevermind that the St. Louis-based company (Also known as the Atlanta Bread Company near that city…
GSL meeting Tuesday night in Champaign!
Guns Save Life meeting Tuesday evening at Fluid Events in Champaign. 601 North Country Fair Champaign, IL 61821 Our main speaker: Tom Kilhoffer. Champion shooter (revolvers is his favorite), world-class Smith & Wesson gunsmith, retired state trooper, firearm trainer and a million other things. See you there!
REVEALING: Great story about inner-city culture in Chicago
Wanna know why inner city blacks in Chicago are burdened with such incredibly high crime rates? It has a lot to do with the cultural distrust of the police and the "No Snitch" attitudes. There's a fantastic series in the Chicago Tribune where a pair of reporters write about…
RANK HYPOCRISY: Father Pfleger comes to gun control rally with armed bodyguards
[caption id="attachment_13627" align="alignnone" width="461"] We're not sure if "Peacemaker" refers to his heater or what. The irony is rich. We didn't bother telling him that he was printing.[/caption] RANK HYPOCRISY Chicago's activist Catholic Priest, Father Michael Pfleger was on hand at Saturday's Brady Campaign Rally against America's gun stores…
NRA STEPS IT UP: New “values war” campaign series released
The NRA has launched a broad-based values-themed publicity campaign, reaching out beyond simple gun rights messages to cast NRA members as the "good guys" in an effort to appeal to large, new segments of the population. It's stuff like this which leaves Michael Bloomberg filling his shoe with urine. The…
CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: TWO off-duty cops robbed and beaten and/or shot at in Chicago
When off-duty cops are robbed, in addition to beaten and/or shot at in Chicago, how in the world can you expect you and your family to be safe? The prudent man would not expose himself or his family to the rampant criminal violence in Chicago - even if you're armed.…
TOO BAD, SO SAD: Brady Campaign’s bad Saturday in Chicago
[caption id="attachment_13593" align="alignnone" width="691"] The sidewalk in front of Chuck's Guns in Riverdale was packed with pro-gun folks organized in opposition to the Brady Campaign's rally. Well over 100 good guys were there.[/caption] The Brady Campaign - the also-ran of gun control groups of late - tried to revitalize their…