JIHAD IN AMERICA: “American” islamist murders in revenge for US military killings
[caption id="attachment_13586" align="alignnone" width="400"] Radicalized "American" islamist Ali Muhammad Brown.[/caption] Take a good look at this guy. He's the face of radicalized islam in America. Ali Muhammed Brown killed four men in recent weeks, admitting that at least one of the killings was "vengeance" for some of the dead islamist…
IT’S OFFICIAL: JPFO lives on with the Second Amendment Foundation
The lawyers for both sides made it official today: Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership has merged with the Second Amendment Foundation, guaranteeing JPFO will live on in its role as an educational organization dedicated to gun ownership rights, particularly for Jewish folks, but Gentiles as well. Robert Meier,…
ALMOST A HAPPY ENDING: 9-1-1 recording tells the terror of a home invasion against armed homeowner…
[caption id="attachment_13578" align="alignnone" width="528"] Michael Lewis, a home intruder and possibly part-time meth addict, who made a not-quite profound error in the victim selection process.[/caption] The homeowner? A single woman, scared out of her wits when some jackwagon starts trying to open her locked doors, then starts pounding on the…
BLOOMBERG AD FAIL REDUX: Latest ad campaign backfires (again)
Big-time billionaire Michael Bloomberg bombs against with the next ad campaign his $50 million jihad against gun rights. The latest disappointing - some would say backfiring - ad campaign comes on the heels of his "war on women" television advertisement featuring a helpless woman calling for police while her raging…
SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE: Piers Morgan says he’s not done with the NRA. Yet.
by John Boch Piers Morgan. He's got quite a reputation. When some visiting journalists from London were doing a video documentary on Guns Save Life a couple of years ago, I asked the reporter if she had ever run into Piers Morgan in her work. "Yeah. I've met him. He's…
BOCH: A gun renaissance
President’s Report A gun renaissance by John Boch You and I are witnessing a gun renaissance right before our eyes - a rebirth and renewal of interest in guns and gun ownership like none America has seen in at least two or three generations. I’m proud to say Guns…
CALL TO ACTION: Counter-protest this Saturday morning at Chuck’s Guns in Riverdale, IL!
CALL TO ACTION! WE NEED YOU! Saturday, September 6th 10am - noon. Chuck's Guns 14310 S Indiana Ave, Riverdale, IL 60827 Here's your chance to see first-hand what a bunch of desperate gun grabbers looks like in person this Saturday at Chuck's Guns in Riverdale, IL. A call to…
TOO BAD HE MISSED THE OTHER THREE: Milwaukee police credit CCWer for busting up prolific armed robbery gang
Milwaukee Police announced that a licensed concealed carry holder shot and killed one of four armed robbers in the early morning of Labor Day, breaking up an armed robbery ring and solving a whole bunch of cases for cops in Wisconsin's biggest city. The robbers approached two men and…
KOOKY FRINGE LEFTISTS: Porn-seeking Democrat Mike Dickinson hates guns and God
[caption id="attachment_13521" align="alignnone" width="640"] Mike Dickinson, Democrat candidate for Congress in Virginia.[/caption] Kooky fringe leftists would be cute if they weren't so potentially dangerous if you give them power. Mike Dickinson wants to be a Democrat Congressman from the state of Virginia. Why is an Illinois-centric blog covering a fringe…