REMEMBER BESLAN: Today is 10th anniversary of Beslan massacre
The Beslan school massacre began ten years ago today in a school in the town of Beslan, North Ossetia-Alania. 334 died in the massacre by "radical" islam. It was a horrific day as muslim savages from Chechnya, and one Saudi national, took over 1200 school children and adults hostage. They…
SMART DIPLOMACY: 2nd journalist beheaded by ISIS savages; should we send more?
Barack Obama, proud owner of disastrous "Smart Diplomacy", will probably read in tomorrow's paper that a second U.S. journalist has been beheaded by the knuckle-dragging ISIS savages. Here at Guns Save Life, we are flummoxed. Should America offer to send ISIS additional US journalists like Geraldo Rivera (aka Jerry Rivers),…
CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: Fewer shootings; more murders in August
Chicago's August totals are in. It wasn't pretty, but a long shot. [caption id="attachment_13510" align="alignnone" width="346"] Image courtesy[/caption] Fewer people got shot and wounded by about 10% from July, but more got kilt overall. And that's with Chicago PD re-categorizing some deaths as "non-criminal" when they were indeed homicides.…
LEARNING ABOUT WEAPONS: You can’t fight biology, but you can embrace nature and direct it positively
Young boys seem to have an endless fascination with weapons. It seems to almost be an innate part of growing up for them. In the past decade or two, there's an increasing number of well-meaning parents who think they can overcome Mother Nature by banning "violent" play and "violent" toys…
CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: Green Bay Cop robbed in Chicago; He didn’t read Guns Save Life’s blog
Welcome to Chicago! A Green Bay, Wisconsin cop, who obviously doesn't read Guns Save Life's blog, was robbed in Chicago in the last couple of days while doing the tourist gig. Someone broke into his car and stole his gun and his badge. If yoiu haven't seen it already at…
BAD NEWS FOR BAD GUYS: Justifiable homicides headed northward in New Orleans
[caption id="attachment_13494" align="alignnone" width="620"] While being beaten and choked, Kawanda Hampton stabbed her boyfriend, Jemond Carson, in her eastern New Orleans home on Feb. 13. Police called the killing a justifiable homicide, but Hampton's problems aren't over. She is facing criminal charges of obstructing justice. She didn't know she was…
TEARS OF A CLOWN: “Anti-racist” says gun owners not fit to have children, worthy of pre-emptive detention
Ah, the tolerance of diversity reigns supreme among leftist liberals. Oh wait, there's only tolerance of those they agree with. The rest of us? You're not fit to have children and you should be pre-emptively interned in concentration camps. Can you spell BIGOT? That's the word from Tim Wise, the…
LIKE THAT WILL WORK: Chicago Pastor says “Stop Shooting!” Pretty please?
A good guy with a gun trumps all of the best intentions in the world when it comes to deterring violence or stopping bad people with evil in their hearts. Chicago's "prominent South Side" paster Corey Brooks should know that, but some would give him credit for trying the old…
SWATTING: Video of SWAT storming man’s business after prank call
Welcome to Littleton, Colorado. Home of the police who ten years ago staged outside a high school and let people bleed to death after a pair of low-life human debris shot a whole bunch of people in the school, instead of storming the place immediately. Thankfully, lessons have been learned…
DRAMATIC: 9-1-1 call from 73-year-old woman – “Get out now while you’re still alive!”
A plucky 73-year-old woman in Lilburn, Georgia adopted the ensconced defender position in her bedroom when a home invader broke in. [caption id="attachment_13478" align="alignright" width="267"] Unwelcome, unwanted intruder Jaime Lewis. Now with fresh scars.[/caption] She was on the phone with 9-1-1 when the goblin tried to get into her…