ISIS IN AMERICA: islamist drives through Chicago waving ISIS flag, tells cops he’s driving a car bomb
The Chicago Sun-Times had this charming story this evening that should give you cause to go ahead and get that carry license if you haven't already. Bad times and bad people are coming. Actually, they are already here. Today, in Chicago, police were called to a suspicious / reckless driver…
HOW SWEET: Anti-gun Alex Wagner & Obama’s personal chef to marry; Obama slated to attend
Alex Wagner is getting married to Barack Hussein and Michelle Obama's personal chef Sam Kass soon. Wagner is the host of "Now with Alex Wagner", a show seen by an average of 4,922 people and a few thousand empty hotel lobbies on any given weekday on MSNBC. To put…
FOR BETTER, NOT WORSE: JPFO / SAF merger moving forward
There's been quite a tempest about the coming merger of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership and the Second Amendment Foundation. Critics have unloaded on SAF and its founder, Alan Gottlieb - Claire Wolfe, in particular. I have long respected Ms. Wolfe and have been a big fan of…
EASY PICKINGS: Eugene Volokh identifies his Top 10 “vulnerable” gun laws & our thoughts
Eugene Volokh has a nice blog entry at the Washington Post where he identifies ten gun control laws, or schemes, he feels are most vulnerable to getting struck down by federal courts. It's a great piece. We've posted the ten and some comments on them. Feel free to add your…
CIVIL FORFEITURE IS REALLY THEFT: New suit in Philly seeks to overturn civil forfeiture
Civil forfeiture is simply theft by the government, pure and simple. It's wrong. It's unconstitutional. It needs to change. One family, with the aid of a non-profit, is fighting back. Not only to save their own property, but against civil forfeiture itself. It's long overdue. [caption id="attachment_13453" align="alignnone" width="600"]…
CHICAGO-STYLE “THEY KILLED MY BABY!”: Protesters seek “justice” after crack dealer points gun at cops and is shot dead
Only in Chicago would 500 inner-city Obama voters turn out for the second time to march for "justice" after an 18-year-old crack dealer points a 9mm pistol at cops and is shot dead. Here's how it went down Sunday: Chicago (ABC 7) - ...Police responded to a complaint of armed…
BYE: Sons of Guns cancelled; Will Hayden faces more child sex abuse charges; more dirt
[caption id="attachment_13437" align="alignnone" width="612"] Will Hayden, star of Sons of Guns on Discovery.[/caption] ...and it's not looking good for Mr. Will Hayden, the protagonist of the Sons of Guns show. A couple of weeks ago, he was arrested on charges of child sex abuse involving his daughter from an ex-girlfriend's…
100% WIN: Texas school district posts “armed staff” signage; anti-gunners go code brown
Yes, those who fear guns surely went code brown (as in involuntarily gone big potty in one's pants) when they saw these signs in front of schools of the Argyle ISD in Texas. They're not kidding around. Staff members with concealed carry licenses who have had some extra training and…
SLOW DOWN: Dramatic decreases in Chicago crime thanks to CCW? Whoa. Not so fast.
The Washington Times had a big headline Sunday that's grabbed the attention of some in the gun rights world - as well as those who aren't so fond of gun ownership rights. Chicago crime rate drops as concealed carry applications surge By Kelly Riddell - The Washington Times - Sunday,…
SADLY TOO TYPICAL: NYPD brass blames gun, not poor training, for negligent discharges
[caption id="attachment_13417" align="alignnone" width="500"] The Kahr K9.[/caption] Pity Kahr. They make an all-steel framed 9mm that's marginally popular for off-duty carry in New York City. [caption id="attachment_13420" align="alignnone" width="500"] The Kahr is even popular on TV shows featuring the NYPD.[/caption] Why is it popular? Well, the standard issue Glocks…