SELF-DEFENSE / POWELL SHOOTING VIDEO: Lessons to be learned for the armed civilian
We've seen the first-person cell phone video of the Powell confrontation with police in St. Louis a couple of days ago that ended with him getting shot and killed. There is much to be learned from the video, including what can go wrong afterwards. (Language and graphic content warning).…
LETTER FROM (ARMED) TEACHER: This mom doesn’t demand action. She takes it!
We received this letter at Guns Save Life's PO Box and it took our breath away. I have withheld the woman's last name and city from the letter to ensure her job won't be at risk (any more than it already is). We admire her panache. I’ve read several articles…
PERSPECTIVES: Cops from Ferguson and just beyond
Passing along a couple of good blog posts. Neither could really stand on their own, but they make good reading and complement one another. First up, a cop who worked the riots this past Sunday night/Monday morning, in what some said were the worst rioting to date. It's interesting to…
REFORMED FELONS: Get your firearm rights restored
Reprinted from the January 2013 issue of GunNews Magazine. Originally posted to Guns Save Life in December 2012. We're re-posting it because of recent demand. DISCLAIMER: Guns Save Life does not have lawyers on staff, and every state has their own set of rules regarding this issue. If you are…
BE PREPARED: A tale of two home invasions
It's never a good day when bad guys bust into your home in the middle of the night. The best you can do is to be prepared with a plan. As they say, proper prior planning prevents p*** poor performance. Those who eschew guns and gun ownership call good guys…
100% WIN: Kroger tells Bloomberg to pound sand
Pity poor Michael Bloomberg. He just can't buy a break lately, despite spending $50 million dollars to do so. He can't even buy a local sheriff in flyover country. And now the Kroger grocery chain has told him to go pound sand in response to his hired underlings' pressure to…
FIRST HAND: Ferguson, MO could be your town UPDATED
by John Boch I was down at Barnes Hospital today in St. Louis, not far from ground zero in Ferguson, Missouri. So, being the dedicated reporter, I had to go see what was ground zero in the worst rioting and looting our nation has seen in decades. Some observations…
HOPE VIA FERGUSON: Potential for good to come in Michael Brown’s death
by John Boch There is optimism and hope among many that the death of Michael Brown will result in meaningful changes in how American police operate. First off, let's not kid ourselves about why Michael Brown is dead. It wasn't a case of, as one individual noted and as the…
ST. LOUIS: More business owners realizing: guns will protect where cops won’t
With news spreading of the "hands off" approach to policing in Ferguson, Missouri the past couple of days, more and more business owners are turning to guns to protect what's left of their establishments. FoxNews has the story. Looters in Ferguson, Mo., were met with little police resistance…
HUG A THUG FAIL: It’s time to shoot looters on sight
Captain Ron Johnson of the Missouri Highway Patrol was appointed by Missouri Democrat Governor Jay Nixon to bring a "kinder, gentler" policing to Ferguson on Thursday. On Thursday, Johnson ordered all SWAT teams disbanded and riot gear stowed away. He marched with protesters and hugged thugs. In short, it was…