GOOD INTENTIONS DON’T WORK: Ferguson off the hook Friday night
The Bat Pager went off a few minutes ago with a flash message. The "kinder, gentler" means of dealing with hoodlums and thugs in Ferguson, Missouri is failing miserably late Friday into Saturday morning as all hell broke loose. Police quickly found themselves overwhelmed by looters and rioters Friday evening…
GOOD INTENTIONS DON’T STOP VIOLENCE: Community laments *another* post-peace rally shooting
Champaign, IL has seen another uptick in black violence this summer. The entire community is concerned about the senseless, Chicago-style violence - and especially African-Americans, as one might expect. Following the mid-day murder of a man back in late July, and the man's funeral turning into an impassioned plea to…
THUG LIFE: Meet Michael Brown from Ferguson
[caption id="attachment_13277" align="alignnone" width="701"] Did Michael Brown just want some cigars to make his marijuana blunts, but he didn't think he needed to pay for them. When the clerk confronted him, you can see what happened. The "witness" who accused the cop of shooting down Brown for no reason at…
QUISLINGS: Ted Nugent ammo maker donates to Cuomo post-SAFE Act
Quisling: noun 1. a person who betrays his or her own country by aiding an invading enemy, often serving later in a puppet government; fifth columnist. Origin: 1940; after Vidkun Quisling (1887-1945), pro-Nazi Norwegian leader You might be a little miffed if you found out a gun or ammo company…
REALLY NOW?: Open Carry Texas threatened by New Black Panthers
Quannell X, the much loathed race hustler of Houston, Texas was joined by New Black Panthers members wielding AR-15s to threaten Open Carry Texas members (otherwise known as the boneheads who open carry rifles into restaurants) if they dare to demonstrate in the black "Fifth Ward" neighborhood. video platformvideo managementvideo…
FERGUSON: From bad to worse – riots intensify, cops escalate in response, locals scared
Ferguson, Missouri has seen violence escalate dramatically last night as so-called "protesters" - in reality just troublemakers masquerading as social warriors - hurled Molotov cocktails at police, looting and burning additional businesses and generally acted like savage hooligans. If Sunday night's arrests were any indication, the majority of the most…
SOLD! Staggaring surge in gun sales in St. Louis
Nothing brings out would-be customers to gun shops across America than a "Come to Jesus" moment. And frankly, there's a *lot* of folks in the greater St. Louis area who are having a collective code brown* "Come to Jesus" moment these past few days. Wanna take a guess why?…
MSM REPORTS: DC Gun Ruling Is on Hold, but Having an Effect
Good news from our nation's capital. Not only has the Washington D.C. police chief ordered her police officers not to make arrests for gun possession by non-DC residents who can legally carry a firearm in other states, but the prosecutors there are either dropping charges in existing cases or reducing…
IT ALWAYS HAPPENS: Authorities promise police seizure of registered guns not surrendered
Gun registration has long been used as a precursor to gun confiscation by would-be tyrants and thugs in government. In the country of Uzbekistan, the government has decreed that all registered guns be surrendered, "temporarily". Basically, almost all registered guns in that nation are hunting guns. America's favorite gun, the…
SAM COLT WOULD HAVE MADE ‘EM EQUAL: Boxer bashes unarmed ex-girlfriend (Graphic)
An attractive couple break up and they each move on with their lives. Happens everyday in America. Sometimes though, one party or the other is insanely jealous, vengeful or spiteful. Occasionally things get violent. That's exactly what happened to Christy Mack, the former girlfriend of boxer Jon “War Machine” Koppenhaver.…