ASTROTURF: Moms Demand Action soliciting for IA State Fair
Mom's Demand Action (Bloomberg's gun control group, not the porn flick) is soliciting for people to get paid to go to the Iowa State Fair and carry signs when Republican U.S. Senate candidate Joni Ernst speaks there this Friday. Joni Ernst, you might remember, is the Tea Party darling who…
SHAMEFUL: Gov. Quinn’s early release program – Shoot a cop, get out in six months
Illinois Governor Pat Quinn is a prisoner's best friend in the Land of Lincoln. His early prison release program, designed to "save Illinois money" by releasing inmates early ignores the collateral damage to innocent residents. That damage is often brutal. Take Mary Shepard, an elderly woman who was nearly beaten…
NO WORKING MOMS? Moms Demand Action won’t make the Arlington Heights “National Night Out” event
Find a spot to put another notch in Illinois gun owners' collective rifle stock with our latest victory in Arlington Heights. Tonight, there is scheduled to be a "National Night Out" event in that city. The Illinois State Rifle Association publicized the fact that the Moms Demand Action group…
FOOLS AND THEIR MONEY: St. Sabina’s Gun Buyback coming August 16th UPDATED
Help wanted: Guns Save Life, purveyors of rusty, clunker guns to do-gooders with deep wallets and shallow minds, is seeking members and friends between the ages of 18-30 to take advantage of this fine opportunity to visit the big city of Chicago to sell rusted trash in exchange for money…
DARWIN WINS: Drunk “El Paco” shoots himself in melon posing for selfie
Next thing you know, smart phone manufacturers will be adding a caution label to their manuals warning people that taking selfies with your gun can be hazardous to your health. We're not sure if that would have helped a drunk young gent in Mexico (not pictured above) who inadvertently poked…
BREAKING: James Brady, 73, dead
James Brady, a man who translated his 15-minutes of fame into a full-time "job" as namesake for a gun control group, died today. He was Ronald Reagan's press secretary, shot in an assassination attempt against Reagan.
DICK METCALF RESPONDS, PART II: Confessions of a Gun Guy
When an Atlantic piece came out profiling the former gun writing guru Dick Metcalf, we reached out to PASA Park gun range to see if Mr. Metcalf was still the President there. As we wrote in "Dick Metcalf Responds, Part I", none other than Dick Metcalf responded. “Yep .…
PRODUCT REVIEW: Eva-Dry petite dehumidifier is awesome for gun safes
by John Boch Guns are collectible - and tend to accumulate for many of us for a host of reasons including self-defense, historical fascination, or even retirement investments. Guns well-maintained accrue value and part of taking care of them is keeping rust at bay. One of the single best…
ANOTHER WIN FOR GOOD GUYS: It’s now safe to carry in D.C.
The District of Columbia just became a safer place for tourists as D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier has ordered her officers not to make arrests for non-residents those lawfully carrying in the District, as well as District residents carrying registered guns. Most federally funded buildings will remain off-limits for carry…
GOOD CALL: Jury refuses to convict man who fired warning shot at what turned out to be police
This story serves to not only reinforce our recommndation not to fire warning shots, but also to reinforce the Reasonable Man Doctrine in law. According to and other sources, a man in Virginia heard a commotion behind his house late at night. When he saw men dressed in black…