APPLESEED PROJECT: Excellent Instruction – Bargain Price coming to Central IL!
Another chance to become a Rifleman is coming next weekend to Central Illinois. The McLean, IL Appleseed Rifle Marksmanship and Heritage Event will be held on private land, near McLean, IL, Saturday, August 9 and Sunday, August 10. The instructors are volunteers, with extensive training and experience. The atmosphere is…
CHICAGO’S JULY CARNAGE: 43 homicides, 280 shot and wounded
[caption id="attachment_13091" align="alignnone" width="346"] Chicago: America's gun control capital.Gun control really works, doesn't it?[/caption] Did you know that in 2012, Chicago, with all of its strict gun control - the arguably the harshest in the nation, had roughly 532 homicides (if you trust the numbers so readily "massaged" by…
BETTER BLOOMBERG AD: Every town ad revamp attacked by Bloomberg, now posted at LiveLeak
A couple of days ago, Bloomberg's Every Town for Gun Control group - the one he started with a cash infusion of $50 million - released a video that was supposed to doom pro-gun U.S. Senators from three states. That or get them to eat more vegetables and less…
ILLEGAL UPDATE: Illegals beat USC grad student to death with bat
...and the family of the deceased student from China were unable to enter the U.S. for a week because of immigration paperwork. How's that for irony? That's right: A group of illegals, in this country without proper immigration paparwork, beat Xinran Ji, 24, to death as part of a robbery. …
HEY HEY! Shotgun News covers GSL using Chicago’s money to teach kids to shoot
Robert Hunnicutt from Shotgun News profiled the happy aftermath of Guns Save Life spending the last of Chicago's Gun Buy Back money to buy ammunition to teaching 150+ kids how to shoot safely. We helped these kids establish a solid foundation for a lifetime of gun ownership, shooting enjoyment…
A DARN SHAME: California’s biggest gun control pimp faces RICO charges
Leland Yee, arguably California's biggest die-hard proponent of control and best friend forever of the Brady Campaign and Michael Bloomberg, now faces additional criminal charges relating to his corruption as a California state senator. Yee was busted this spring trying to sell guns to islamist rebels. Yeah, a big…
French media’s definition of “arsenal of war”… It’s all relative.
French police found some guns on a bus bound for London. The French media described it as a veritable "arsenal de guerre". Here's what they found: "three loaded automatic pistols, three Smith & Wesson revolvers and a semi-automatic Luger, as well as two Italian-made firearms, a Czech-made firearm, a silencer…
Obama’s sanctions expected on Russian ammo
Got ammo? That's a question you may be asking yourself at your local Wally World or neighborhood gun store here soon. GSL president John Boch told members that ammunition supplies were expected to begin to dry up this fall because of a powder shortage. Now we have President Obama adding…
BLOOMBERG FAILS AGAIN: Bloomberg’s latest ad fail; portrays women as weak and helpless
A woman profiled in Glock's ad (above) versus a woman profiled in Bloomberg's ad (below). Which do you want to be, ladies? Helpless, dependent upon others and pleading for your life in Bloomberg's world, or confident and in control as a gun owner? It's your choice, Mr. and Mrs. America.…
86-year-old IL Concealed Carry Licensee shoots at armed robber to defend police officer UPDATED
Yet another defensive gun use involving an Illinois concealed carry licensee occurred this past weekend at Route 83 and Cicero in Crestwood, IL, a Chicago suburb. A carry permit holder told police he observed an armed robbery in progress inside an AT&T location (pictured above) and remained outside to prevent…