GOOD NEWS, WE THINK: Rauner up 14-points over “Clueless” Quinn in IL Governor’s race
Bruce Rauner, the billionaire who is a big question mark on guns, is up 14-points over Illinois' bumbling Governor Patrick Quinn in a poll taken July 28th. We say "good news, we think" because Bruce Rauner hasn't reached out to any of the major gun groups in Illinois, nor has…
EPIC FAIL: Thugs storm house, failing to notice sticker on car out front
A home invasion trio became a duo Sunday shortly after lunchtime in Indianapolis after storming a near northside home. Outside the home was an SUV with a subtle "Molon Labe" sticker. Inside the home were a couple of guys. With guns. And the knowledge, skills and attitudes to employ…
THANKS, RAHM: Kids learn to shoot at NRA camp with ammo Chicago bought
[caption id="attachment_13018" align="alignnone" width="600"] Olivia E. shoots a revolver for the first time after qualifying for the bonus round by scoring among the top five in her relay with the .22 pistols. She chose a Smith and Wesson .357 revolver. She loved her first shots from a wheel gun.[/caption] Pity…
LEWD, NOT LASCIVIOUS: Moms Demand Action TOPLESS counter-demonstration to Texas open carry walk
[caption id="attachment_13014" align="alignnone" width="500"] "More boobs, less guns!" her sign reads. Perhaps she should have been protesting the effects of gravity instead.[/caption] Oh heavens. Yes, it was vulgar and lewd, but not even a smidgen lascivious. This weekend, a group in Texas conducted their monthly open carry walk through the…
HISTORIC: Federal District Court strikes DC’s handgun ban
Federal District Court strikes DC's handgun ban Concludes a blanket ban of carry of handguns outside the home cannot survive ANY level of scrutiny, and is therefore unconstitutional. Alan Gura is going to be known as the civil rights attorney of the 21st century at this rate. From the…
D.C. STUNNER: Police chief orders officers to allow carry
Emily Miller, an editor with the Washington Times and award-winning journalist, tweets a stunning development in D.C. following the appellate court ruling invalidating the District's ban on carrying firearms outside the home. If this had happened on an April 1st in the past, we would all agree it was a…
PA hospital killer triggered by ‘NO GUNS” signage, intended to keep killing; Doc to keep his job
One reason "NO GUNS" signage is a bad idea that we hadn't considered... We knew that they attract bad people, but had not considered they might *trigger* a spree attack. Well, bet you haven't seen much of this in the mainstream media outside of Philadelphia: [caption id="attachment_13001" align="alignnone" width="570"] Headline…
CHICAGO: Dead 13YO called “studious”. Reality: Double major in dope dealing and gang culture
Ah, the gang-banging, urban youth "he was going to find a cure for cancer someday" mythology continues unabated. Here's the story from CBS Chicago: (CBS) – A 13-year-old boy was killed and six others were wounded in a drive-by shooting Friday evening in the West Side East Garfield Park neighborhood, according to fire authorities. ...Relatives…
Armed doctor stops spree killer at Pennsylvia hospital
A doctor, armed in violation of the hospital's "no guns" policy, stopped a would-be lunatic spree killer with three shots, despite being wounded himself early in the incident yesterday in Darby, Pennsylvania. DARBY, Pa. (MyFoxPhilly)- A female case worker was killed and two were wounded in a shooting at the…
SHAMEFUL: Quinn campaigns against guns while ignoring carnage from his early inmate release program
Pat Quinn keeps upping the ante in his jihad against scary guns. It's all an effort to distract from his scandal-plagued record as chief executive. Just yesterday, his Democrat allies on the Cook County Board passed a measure to put a non-binding referendum on this November's ballot there. The measure…