SURPRISE! Chicago’s police chief now blames guns, not his crime-fighting strategies for holiday orgy of violence.

[caption id="attachment_12795" align="alignnone" width="609"] Garry McCarthy. Street-light assassin.[/caption]   Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy was crediting his policing strategies earlier this year when crime was down. Chicago (Tribune) – Chicago police Superintendent Garry McCarthy on Wednesday said the number of shootings, particularly gang-related ones, has dropped sharply in the first…

BLOOMBERG’S BEST GIRL: IL Congresswoman Robin Kelly

  Michael Bloomberg likes his girls high end. He's got a stable of them working for him in one way or another. His best girl?  Is it Shannon Watts <aka Shannon Troughton, President and owner of of VoxPop Public Relations, a boutique liberal PR firm>?  Nope. [caption id="attachment_12757" align="alignright" width="300"]…