BOONDOGGLE: IL AG seeks to remove CCW licensing appeals from courts
Illinois' Attorney General Lisa Madigan is frustrated by more than the fact she's isn't the nation's best looking attorney general. She's also crabby about two hundred plus individual appeals of Illinois Concealed Carry License denials that have swamped local circuit courts and left her office stretched thin defending the denials.…
YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE A VICTIM: Victimized couple come to realize value of gun ownership
To gun owners, the proven benefits of gun ownership are as obvious as the fact that water is wet. To those who have been conditioned not to like guns, these benefits are dismissed reflexively. Gun bigotry is no different than racial bigotry - it's a learned behavior. No one is…
CHICAGO: The “gun violence” buck stops with Rahm and his dysfunctional administration.
Rahm Emanuel loves to blame "guns" as the cause of Chicago's perpetual orgy of criminal violence. It's a nice diversionary tactic from the true causes of violence in the Windy City. John Lott doesn't let rhetoric get in the way of facts and excoriates Mayor Rahm Emanuel in a piece…
PATHETIC: Europe’s biggest gun store?
Check out Europe's biggest gun store. 5,000 square meters. Maybe a couple of hundred shotguns and bolt-actions rifles. They would probably soil themselves if they walked into your average Gander Mountain or Cabelas, right? From Russia Today: The biggest arms shop in Europe will soon open its door in…
NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN: Elgin, IL police hunt for escaped mental patient
Anton Chigurh escaped from custody today in Elgin, IL. Who in the heck is Anton Chigurh? Remember "No Country For Old Men"? Does the photo above refresh your memory? Elgin police were taking no chances in their search today for an escaped mental patient who was being transported from a…
“THUG IN PEACE”: United Blood Nation declares war on cops in Jersey City, New Jersey
Gang bangers in Jersey City are quite - unhappy - one of their boys got killed in a shootout immediately after ambushing a cop and killing him in cold blood, execution style. [caption id="attachment_12910" align="alignright" width="306"] Angelique Campbell, [Scumbag's name redacted]'s widow, said she doesn't plan to restore a memorial…
U.S. Concealed Carry Instructor Toolkit will make you a better instructor!
USCCA Curriculum Approved by Illinois State Police For CCW Training 1.5 million. That’s the number of people who held an Illinois Firearms Owner's Identification card (FOID) by the end of 2013. According to the Illinois State Police, those numbers qualify as the highest in the 45-year history of the…
PAID ADVERTISING: Eight-hour Illinois Concealed Carry class $50. Friday, July 18th. Clinton, IL
For Friday, July 18th, 2014 class: Tuition is slashed for last-minute enrollees to $50. That's right: For those with prior military service or Illinois State Police recognized training, you can pick up the final eight hours of training to get your concealed carry license for $50. No pre-registration required. Simply…
DICK METCALF RESPONDS, PART I: Admiration for GSL, says reporter “artfully” miscast facts on Metcalf’s Aspen Ideas appearance
[caption id="attachment_12887" align="alignnone" width="675"] Dick Metcalf. NY Times photo.[/caption] When an Atlantic piece came out profiling the former gun writing guru Dick Metcalf, we reached out to PASA Park gun range to see if Mr. Metcalf was still the President there. None other than Dick Metcalf responded. "Yep . .…
ILLEGAL UPDATE: Released illegal murders, Border Patrol on verge of mutiny
You didn't see this in the mainstream media. Yes, the story was out there, but the MSM left out the part about the guy being one of Obama's "catch and release" illegal aliens pouring in from south of the Rio Grande. Yes, Obama's influx includes lots of criminals and…