Happy Independence Day!
IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the…
DEATH THREATS: Conservationist teen huntress evokes hateful response among anti-hunting crowd
[caption id="attachment_12761" align="alignnone" width="634"] Say hello to Kendall Jones.[/caption] Kendall Jones hunts in Africa, spending big dollars to hunt big game when the 19-years-old cheerleader at Texas Tech University isn't in school. Her photos, posted from her hunting trips, have gone viral in social media circles, earning her lots…
FEEBLE-MINDED: Gas station where attendant saved from knife attack robbery posts “NO GUNS”
There's stupid and there's a special kind of stupid. Just this March, at Keith's Superstore, a Lumberton, Mississippi Chevron station and convenience store, a concealed carry licensee walked into the store as the attendant/manager was being repeatedly stabbed by an armed robber. This was at 10:00 a.m. - not oh…
McLean, IL: July 12/13 – High-intensity advanced handgun skills for the urban environment
Are you an Illinois Concealed Carry instructor looking for some advanced continuing education? Are you an Illinois concealed carry licensee looking to build upon your existing training? Are you just a training junkie looking to refine your skills to defend your family and self from violent attack? TrainIllinois will be…
A GOOD DAY IN AMERICA: NJ gov. vetoes mag ban, Kansas open carry takes effect
It's a good day in America. New Jersey's Chris Christie, clearly wishing to maintain his viability as a Republican presidential nominee intact, has vetoed the magazine ban passed in the Garden State's legislature. The Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs, that state's NRA state affiliate, was quite pleased. …
IT’S MURDER: “NO GUNS” rest stop site of random murder…
Illinois has decreed that rest stops are "NO GUNS" locations for card-carrying good guys with guns. That means bad guys can hunt there with impunity. As this one did at a conveniently posted "gun free zone" rest stop: PAW PAW (Pantagraph) — Illinois State Police say they are…
TARGET GOES NO GUNS: If Target can’t even keep your credit card data safe, why would you trust them to keep you and your family safe?
[caption id="attachment_12727" align="alignnone" width="620"] Rainy days are ahead for Target corporation with their alienation of gun owners today.[/caption] Target today announced they're implementing a risky "no guns" policy, as announced today by the company's execs. The leadership team has been weighing a complex issue, and I want to…
CLEVELAND: Anti-gun mayor’s shenanigans to distract from his own failures
[caption id="attachment_12721" align="alignnone" width="500"] Mayor Frank Jackson, arch enemy of civil rights for Cleveland's residents.[/caption] It's hard to believe a politician would use the issue of gun control to distract voters from their own failures at governing. In Cleveland, the low-information Mayor Frank Jackson wants to pass a new raft…
SEE DICK RUN HIS MOUTH: Dick Metcalf disparages gun owners at Aspen Ideas Festival
UPDATE: We have apologized to Dick Metcalf for the tone of this article, which was written before he responded to our request for comment. For more on his side of the story at the Aspen Ideas Festival, visit here: DICK METCALF RESPONDS, PART I: Admiration for GSL,…
DARN SHAME: Moms Demand Action kicked off Target property
Seems that Target just wants to sell merchandise (while not trying to give away scores of millions of credit card numbers), and not be used as a pawn in political advocacy as they told Moms Demand Action to pack up their dog and pony show even before the event…