DARN SHAME: Moms Demand Action kicked off Target property
Seems that Target just wants to sell merchandise (while not trying to give away scores of millions of credit card numbers), and not be used as a pawn in political advocacy as they told Moms Demand Action to pack up their dog and pony show even before the event…
GunsSaveLife.com continues to grow; 4.74M uniques last quarter
We've had a LOT of unique visitors this past quarter. We're not entirely sure who they are or where they are from, but unique visitors have grown from 888,000 in the first quarter to 4,474,000 in the second quarter.
SHOOT – DON’T SHOOT: Walmart knockout attack with baseball bat. What would you do?
We could also probably title this, "Should have been a defensive gun use" story. Scenario: So you're wandering through Walmart waiting for your oil change or simply browsing and you noticed a young man with an aluminum baseball bat. A moment later, you hear a "klink" as the bat hits…
CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: Over three dozen shot last weekend; no arrests reported
[caption id="attachment_12695" align="alignnone" width="672"] Chicago Police investigate the scene of the fatal shooting of a 54-year-old male in the 6500 block of South Sangamon Street in recent days.[/caption] The "no snitch" culture is alive and well in the inner city regions of Chicago, as 42 people were shot over the…
SYMBOLISM OVER SUBSTANCE: Prayers, walk and wishful thinking to combat gang violence in Champaign, IL
[caption id="attachment_12689" align="alignnone" width="640"] Champaign, IL tackles Chicago-like violence in recent days with a march, prayers and talk against violence. It will take more than this to stop gang violence in the city. Photo by the News-Gazette.[/caption] by John Boch Chicagoland-style violence is rearing its head in the downstate Illinois…
GROSS: Gun grabbers turn to children playing with dildos in latest “lock up your safety” ad
Ugh. Hat tip to Gateway Pundit / Progressives Today. Arguing, “if they find it, they’ll play with it,” the narrator implores parents to, “always lock up your guns.” If they were *really* concerned about child safety, there are lots of other common causes of childhood injury and death to address…
CEASEFIRE ‘INTERRUPTERS’: Felons, home invaders and now rapists
Chicago and the University of Illinois Chicago have been paying perfectly good money for the anti-gun "Ceasefire" organization to hire convicts, scumbags and gang banging thugs to "mediate" potential criminal violence in the Windy City. Translation: Here's some money. Stay out of trouble please. They've hired guys who were arrested…
BOOM! Headshot!: First-person account of surviving home invasion
A gent formerly from North Carolina shared his story of surviving a violent home invasion while stationed at Ft. Bragg. The incident happened in May 2012. He posted his recollection of what happened in a thread at AR15.com. Castle Doctrine, huh... Well my story has been posted a few times…
HIGH SPIN ZONE: Susie Madrak, gun hating zealot, tries to spin her violent screed
We published the story earlier this week of some violence-seeking gun control fanatics who were advocating violence against peaceable Americans - merely because they exercised their Constitutional rights. Here's what she wrote: “So what line has to be crossed in the good old U.S. of A. before we start mowing…
ILLINOIS STATE RIFLE ASSOCIATION: Building Bridges for new shooters
[caption id="attachment_12664" align="alignnone" width="300"] Richard Pearson.[/caption] BUILDING BRIDGES by Richard Pearson Executive Director Illinois State Rifle Association A 30-something suburban Chicago man approached me recently and expressed his frustration that, although he and his family are eager to learn to shoot, opportunities to become involved in shooting seem…