SHOOT OR NO SHOOT: Would you employ deadly force and at what point?
For those of you who have already taken your Illinois concealed carry classes (and those who haven't), we've got a video for you. It's hard to watch. A young mother is attacked by another person (turns out it was another woman) who pummels her viciously, and then threatens to beat…
VIOLENCE POLICY CENTER: Some lives are worth more than others…
The Violence Policy Center has sent out another (yet another) email to their supporters asking them to make a donation to the VPC to help them stay afloat. Seems the coffers are running a little low/thin/sparse. Check out the verbiage. Ignore for a moment how many people were killed in…
SILLY: Kim Jong-un threatens “war” over new Hollywood film “The Interview”
Kim Jong-un is a plump little dictator in the land of little, malnourished people. Some might even go so far as to call him a plump little turd. He's made the news, of late, with his bellicose statements in response to an upcoming Hollywood movie due for release in October.…
SHARPE: Remembering Louis Awerbuck
"Given enough time, any man may master the physical. With enough knowledge, any man may become wise. It is the true warrior who can master both....and surpass the result." - Tien T'ai [caption id="attachment_12649" align="alignnone" width="600"] Louis Awerbuck and Frank Sharpe.[/caption] On June 24, 2014, after a long battle with…
PLAYING WAR: Increasing militarization of America’s local police has tragic consequences
Jacob Sullum has a pretty decent piece at about the growing militarization of America's cops and the consequences thereof. Burned Babies and the Militarization of American Policing by Jacob Sullum ( - In a Salon essay published today, Alecia Phonesavanh recalls the night her 19-month-old son, Bounkham (a.k.a. Bou…
SETTLEMENT: CCW mom gets cash from school after ugly incident
[caption id="attachment_12633" align="alignnone" width="660"] Strong mom. Tanya Mount, Army veteran and CCW license holder.[/caption] A concealed carry licensee and Army veteran mom banned from her child's elementary school last fall received a $1,000 cash settlement, plus reimbursement of legal fees, from the school after initiating legal action following the "no…
NOT NICE PEOPLE: Illegals pouring over Mexican border include murderers, rapists, MS-13 gang bangers
Reason #3,233 to carry a gun: More than a few of the recent influx of illegal aliens pouring over the US-Mexican border are not nice people. The include criminals like murderers, rapists and child molesters, hard-core gang members, and probably a few terrorists for good measure. They are coming hoping…
SUPREMES: Cops’ warrantless cell phone searches blocked in 9-0 ruling
No more "can I see your cell phone?" questions at traffic stops, under a U.S. Supreme Court decision released today. (Washington Times) - The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that police cannot go snooping through people’s cell phones without a warrant, in a unanimous decision that amounts to a major statement…
PARTY INVITE: Moms Demand Action event coming to Belleville, IL
Attention Southern Illinois and eastern Missouri civil rights advocates: Moms Demand Action are throwing a party and you're invited! Monday, July 7th 11AM 23 Public Square, Suite 404 Belleville, IL [caption id="attachment_12622" align="alignnone" width="600"] 23 Public Square, Belleville, IL. Image courtesy Google.[/caption] Yes, the Moms Demand Action train(wreck) is coming…
GUN HATER INTOLERANCE: Screeds seek government violence against gun owners
What is it with the gun control activists of late? We all know gun control fanatics are control freaks, but publicly calling for the government to snuff out those with whom they disagree is deeply troubling and should be roundly castigated and scorned. But it's not. Instead, it's published…