Biggest Day EVAH! GSL crests 172,000 uniques today

  June 5th marked the biggest day ever for Guns Save Life with 172,640 unique visitors stopping by nearly a half-million collective times. Wow. The site is running sluggishly because we usually have roughly a 20th of that. We're flattered and humbled to see well over 100,000 unique visitors stopping…

Bear with us… website HEAVY traffic

  We've been buried since Tuesday here at The traffic seems directed at our stories on Smith and Wesson discontinuing customer support for their Third Generation autopistols and the story asking if Open Carry Texas was a false-flag operation for Michael Bloomberg. In either event, thanks everyone for coming…

GRAPHIC/NSFW: The lethality of knives

"Oh, he's just got a knife," the uninformed and uneducated will say of an assailant armed with an edged weapon.  "It's not like he had a gun." In training courses, we teach that a man armed with a knife within 21 feet of you is considered just as much a…