INTRUDERS! Real-life story of a home invasion in St. Louis
By John Boch It’s getting around bedtime for the family and your 17-year-old daughter needs to get something out of the car before going to bed. She goes outside, not a care in the world in your neighborhood that seems “safe” by any normal standards. The car is parked at…
COMPLETE SHAM: Everytown for Gun Control List riddled with falsehoods UPDATE: CNN Agrees
Kyle Becker writes up some great stuff on the make-believe fairy-tale put out by Bloomberg's Everytown for Gun Control Group. Everytown claimed 74 mass school shooting have happened since Newtown in 2012. No, we're not going to link to their site and drive traffic to them. If though, you scratched…
Karma: “NO GUNS” Jack-in-the-Box enjoys *another* armed robbery
Creating a warm and inviting environment for all of our guests and employees is a top priority for Jack in the Box. The presence of guns inside a restaurant could create an uncomfortable situation for our guests and employees and lead to unintended consequences. While we respect the rights of…
Chicago Mayor Emanuel has a challenger in November
Did you know Chicago's Mayor Rahm Emanuel is running for re-election this year? You would never have guessed it from the mainstream media's non-coverage. Chicago media personality William Kelly wants to call out Rahm Emanuel on his anti-gun, anti-liberty record as mayor. Kelly, a pro-gun conservative, is set to officially…
OBAMA’S GUN JIHAD: Praises confiscation, promises unilateral action
America's president Barack Hussein Obama yesterday praised gun confiscation in Australia and capped his comments with Orwellian language that America's levels of gun violence are off the charts as an excuse for why America should follow Australia's lead a confiscate the most popular guns in the U.S. Couple…
GSL Growth: Cool million unique visitors in a week
Guns Save Life passed another milestone this week. One million unique visitors in a 7-day period. It's time for a server with more capacity! Thanks to all of you for helping us hit this milestone.
BACK THROUGH THE YEARS: A trip to the big city of Chicago
Originally published in the July 2004 issue of GunNews. A trip to the big city By John Boch I try to avoid trips to Chicago. If I’m travelling, certainly for recreation, I prefer to spend my money and time in God’s Country, where the air is freer, grass greener…
TARGET SET TO FOLD: Target doesn’t want your business
The not-so-nice folks at Target seem prepared to cave to former Mayor Bloomberg and his paid-for Moms who Demand Action (go to a singles bar, ladies). Sources are telling us, from about every direction, that Target is looking to prevent a repeat of the Open Carry Texas jackwagons bringing…
DENIAL HAS NO SURVIVAL VALUE: Shannon Watts claims good guys with guns don’t stop bad guys with guns
Shannon Watts - aka Shannon Troughton - is not only an Obama donor and advocate for leftist causes, she's also delusional: In an interview with CNN in recent days, Shannon Troughton-Watts was set up to comment on Wayne LaPierre's observation that the only thing that stops a bad guy with…
THIS WEEKEND – BLOOMINGTON, IL: GSL-sponsored Appleseed shoot. .22 ammo available!
A dozen or more slots remain for this year's Guns Save Life-sponsored Appleseed shoot in Bloomington, IL. GSL brought Project Appleseed to Illinois back in 2008 and each year has continued to sponsor an event at Darnall's GunWorks and Ranges in Bloomington by paying range fees for each and every…