SEATTLE PAC U HERO: He’s a gun guy and he’s gonna have a cool wedding June 21st
[caption id="attachment_12436" align="alignnone" width="608"] Hero Jon Meis is escorted from the crime scene by investigators.[/caption] The young man and college student who wrestled down a shotgun-wielding killer as the maniac attempted to reload to continue his spree killing at Seattle Pacific University is one us us. He is a shooting…
HARDLY TEA PARTY MEMBERS: Vegas cop-killers were meth-head whack jobs
More details are coming to light about the married couple who launched a politically motivated attack with the words "Tell the police the revolution has begun", killing two police officers in Las Vegas as they were at lunch. The couple are now being described in the latest reports as meth…
CHICAGO: It’s not the guns, stupid.
Parents - and SCHOOLS - are failing to educate their children, both academically and in terms of a healthy family life.
Biggest Day EVAH! GSL crests 172,000 uniques today
June 5th marked the biggest day ever for Guns Save Life with 172,640 unique visitors stopping by nearly a half-million collective times. Wow. The site is running sluggishly because we usually have roughly a 20th of that. We're flattered and humbled to see well over 100,000 unique visitors stopping…
THANKS GOV. CUOMO! Alabama welcomes gun company jobs NY politicians spurned
Good job, Gov. Cuomo: Driving out good-paying union jobs and pushing them to a gun-friendly Alabama. Way to go, Mr. "Let's welcome diversity" Cuomo. Is it any surprise Remington bailed out of New York State and others companies - and their good paying jobs and tax revenues - are…
MEXICANS AREN’T STUPID: Texas Gunstore offers Obama to Mexico for Sgt. Tahmooressi
This made Drudge this morning... Katy, Texas (CBS HOUSTON) – Continuing its critical shots at President Barack Obama, the Tactical Firearms store of Katy, Texas, has yet another weekly message for the president: “Will Trade Obama To Mexico For Sgt. Tahmooressi. God help us all.” The message references U.S.M.C.…
Bear with us… website HEAVY traffic
We've been buried since Tuesday here at The traffic seems directed at our stories on Smith and Wesson discontinuing customer support for their Third Generation autopistols and the story asking if Open Carry Texas was a false-flag operation for Michael Bloomberg. In either event, thanks everyone for coming…
MAINSTREAM MEDIA FAIL: One gun a month is “enough”. How ’bout one newspaper per month?
Eric Zorn isn't an advocate for civil rights. He not only thinks privately, but writes publicly that rationing civil rights is just fine. He wrote on the Chicago Tribune website: "One gun every 30 days is more than enough to allow for the exercise of 2nd Amendment rights, so Chicago…
CHICAGO WILDINGS ACKNOWLEDGED: Chicago Police Chief addresses black mobs attacking random strangers
(Guns Save - Remarkably, after publicly denying or minimizing reports of roaming groups of black teens robbing and battering random people in the "safe" downtown areas of the Windy City (or ransacking and looting businesses), Chicago's alcohol-loving Police Superintendent (who as a civilian would likely be unable to get…
GRAPHIC/NSFW: The lethality of knives
"Oh, he's just got a knife," the uninformed and uneducated will say of an assailant armed with an edged weapon. "It's not like he had a gun." In training courses, we teach that a man armed with a knife within 21 feet of you is considered just as much a…