OPEN CARRY TEXAS: Open Carry Asshats working for Bloomberg?
Can you think of a better false-flag operation for Mayor Bloomberg to pull off? Get a bunch of questionable-looking characters together - people who have the "look" that bigots often attribute to gun owners. They find a guy who brags about smoking and selling weed on Facebook (henceforth…
AN OBAMA WORLD?: Trade five high-ranking Taliban for an islamist US Army deserter
[caption id="attachment_12365" align="alignnone" width="599"] President Barack Obama looks to Jani Bergdahl and Bob Bergdahl, the parents of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, Saturday, May 31, 2014, as Bob Bergdahl speaks about the release of their son. Bergdahl, 28, had been…
Bloomberg’s $50M buys well-publicized lies about guns
Dear Michael Bloomberg: Don't let your people let the truth get in the way of a good media talking point... Sincerely, Gun owners by John Lott (National Review Online) - Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun group Moms Demand Action couldn’t let the tragedy in Santa Barbara pass without interjecting more false information…
OBAMA’S SCHEME #103,283: Military “support” for feds against uppity sheriffs
Word has gotten out that our illustrious Commander in Chief, Barack Hussein Obama, offered up a Presidential directive for use of the U.S. military inside the U.S. to support and defend federal interests. Yes, this includes against domestic unrest and when local authorities are unwilling to carry out federal directives. …
ERROR IN VICTIM SELECTION: Ja’Braelyn & Kimani pick wrong store to stick up
Two 17-year-old hoodlums tried to hold up a convenience store, thinking they would profit from other people's hard work. It didn't work out so well for them as the clerk, unbeknownst to them, had a concealed carry license and knew how to use his gun to perforate the rifle-wielding half…
SHARPE: Are you listening? Don’t be desensitized to violent crime…
by Frank Sharpe Are you listening? Two weeks ago, a mile from where I grew up, an 85-year-old man was brutally murdered in his home. Rumor has it he was beaten and strangled; the official cause of death has yet to be announced. Signs are the bedroom was ransacked…
DOMESTIC TERROR: Manson on spree killers
Mark Manson writes a piece on the latest spree killer. He offers up some interesting points, but the best paragraph, hands down, is this one: For a country that is so single-mindedly obsessed with terrorism, it’s jaw-dropping that almost nobody recognizes that school shooters use the exact same strategies to…
HARD TO BELIEVE, RIGHT? Criminals ignoring “NO GUNS” signs
That's a dead body. Right underneath a "NO GUNS" sign over the door. Criminals apparently didn't care if their was a "NO GUNS" sign around or not. It's not like a felon committing a felony carrying a gun is going to care about some silly sign, right? Just in case…
Smith & Wesson reportedly discontinuing support of 3rd generation guns
[caption id="attachment_12337" align="alignnone" width="614"] Photo by Miami JBT. Our apologies for not offering proper credit initially.[/caption] Hope you have all the spare parts you anticipate needing... forever... for the Smith & Wesson 3rd generation guns, according to what folks are writing over at and the Smith & Wesson…
NO GUNS Signage: Dealing with them. Challenging them. Getting rid of them.
NO GUNS Signage Dealing with them. Challenging them. Getting rid of them. (Guns Save Life) - “NO GUNS” signs have popped up like spring mushrooms across Illinois, both at public buildings and at a handful of private, commercial locations. While we know that the signs do nothing to stop…