NO GUNS Signage: Dealing with them. Challenging them. Getting rid of them.
NO GUNS Signage Dealing with them. Challenging them. Getting rid of them. (Guns Save Life) - “NO GUNS” signs have popped up like spring mushrooms across Illinois, both at public buildings and at a handful of private, commercial locations. While we know that the signs do nothing to stop…
WARNING: “Urban youth” wilding, stealing in downtown Chicago
From Second City Cop: Wilding Popping Up Again The media has embargoed this stuff, but our readers strive to keep everyone aware: If anyone listened to zone 4 last night they would have heard that the boyfriend of a young couple was hospitalized after getting the shit beat out of…
MASS MURDERERS AGREE: Good guys with guns deter attacks
Last week's mass murderer from the University of California Santa Barbara penned a diary/journal of sorts, detailing his scheming to exact retribution on his enemies. In it, he acknowledged the deterrence value of the presence of good guys with guns. Check out this nugget from CNN's reporting on the contents…
KaBoom! Tannerite turns old barn into matchsticks…
The guys here shot about 164 pounds of Tannerite, in a big plastic tub from 100 yards. They've got much larger cajones than I do, because shooting large quantities of Tannerite can be dangerous. I shot a two-liter bottle (maybe four or five pounds?) from about 20 yards or so…
BOOM! HEADSHOT: NYC carjacking plan goes awry for perps
Two young thugs took a liking to a man's Mercedes and thought they would expropriate it - and the owner's wallet - for their own amusement. Their plans went badly awry when they suffered a sudden and profound error in their victim selection process in that their victim was an…
Rahm Emanuel kickes off anti-violence “Summer of Faith and Action”
What do you expect from the guy who was our Twitter hashtag diplomacy President's chief of staff for a few years? Symbolism over substance carries through to Rahm Emanuel's kick off of the Summer of Faith and Action" campaign against Chicago's inner-city violence. Chicago (Sun-Times) - Dozens of events…
Chicago’s Mayor Rahm just doesn’t get it: Proposes more unconstitutional restrictions on gun stores…
Imagine if Rahm had proposed these restrictions on book stores? Would it pass muster? Or churches? CHICAGO (AP) — Mayor Rahm Emanuel has proposed an ordinance that would largely limit where gun stores could open in Chicago. The Chicago Sun-Times reports Monday that the proposed ordinance would use special-use zoning…
KNOW YOUR ENEMY: Brains, Honesty, Integrity and the lack thereof
[caption id="attachment_12253" align="alignnone" width="640"] Moms Demand Action rep. Nicole Chen and Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence's Mark Walsh.[/caption] by Rocco M. Wlodarek Used with permission. Edited. (Guns Save Life) - Ladies and gentleman, I do not mean to sound crass and combative, but I’d like to offer my assessment…
HOLLYWOOD’S DEADLY PSYCHO: Cowardly loser’s jihad against women turns deadly
So, we're treated to more blood-dancing from gun control advocates following a real-life Hollywood Psycho incident late last week in California, where a notable director's son escaped California's aggressive laws which order the committal of lunatics (or insane, mentally unstable, or mentally ill or however the mental health profession labels…