Second Amendment Foundation calls out Dudley Brown

  Dudley Brown’s Despicable Deception 15 May 2014 | News & Releases (Second Amendment Foundation) - Dudley Brown and his “National Association for Gun Rights” (NAGR) have built a reputation by attacking every other major gun rights organization and even pro-gun politicians, to the detriment of the gun rights movement.…

Spreading the word in a new location

What's it take to put up a new set of Burma-Shave style signs that spread the message of Guns Save Life? How about: One willing landowner couple; One thousand feet of Interstate frontage; Three dedicated volunteers; Nine hours; Two tractors; Two pickups with two flatbed trailers; One four wheel drive…

Illinois 50,000 CCW licenses, by county

Courtesy our friends at the Illinois State Rifle Association. [caption id="attachment_12278" align="alignnone" width="750"] Illinois State Police Col. Marc Maton holds up a sample of a concealed carry license at a news conference in Chicago on Feb. 28. (Photo / Caption Sun-Times Media, Rich Hein)[/caption] TOTAL PAID CCL APPLICATIONS  72,447 TOTAL…

NUGENT: Windy City’s slaughter season

Is it the availability of guns that's the problem in Chicago? Nope. During the weekend the NRA convention was in Indianapolis, 75,000 NRA members turned out, many if not most of them armed.  The Indianapolis Metro Police said it was the quietest weekend for crime in downtown Indy in the…