Knife-wielding lunatic gets his ticket punched, repeatedly, on CTA bus
Well now. Someone ignored the "No Guns" signs on a CTA bus Tuesday night. The scofflaw might have saved his own life or the life of someone else by ignoring the "no guns" sign. Or maybe he didn't bother with the license at all, believing the 2nd Amendment was all…
ILLINOIS PRIMARY SERIES: 17th Congressional Race… Judge Joe McGraw vs. Scott Crowl [UPDATED]
Illinois is a deep blue state on the whole. And along with deep blue comes a disregard of and even a hatred for issues like gun rights for the little people among many in the political class – even among some Republicans. What’s surprised me in this election season is…
NINE killed in Chicago in 24 hours…
"Crime is down!" says Governor Pritzker the professional carnival barker. Despite his claims, reality bit him on his rather large back end Tuesday into Wednesday in Murder City. Nine people were murdered, including two people sitting in a car. The good news, if you can call it that, is that…
Democrat Politicians in Illinois Care More About Protecting Bags of Chips Than Children in Schools [VIDEO]
Most Democrat leadership in the Land of Lincoln hate the idea of you or me having guns. These same politicians who run our state seem just as hostile to the idea of incarcerating violent offenders. It's a combination that leads to bad things like victim disarmament and subsequently, higher crime.…
Central Illinois’ own Jim Acklin gets national publicity for his shady campaign to unseat Adam Niemerg
We covered the campaign for the Republican nomination for the 102nd Illinois House District between incumbent Adam Niemerg and newcomer Jim Acklin. What makes this race exceptional is that it's a duel of write-in candidates. The "education" unions are supporting Acklin, trying to take out one of their biggest critics…
INSANE: Gun control jihadists in Springfield propose legislation to require 8 hours of training just to retain your FOID card
The gun control jihadists in Springfield, smelling blood in the water from a court system in Illinois that doesn't recognize their role as inferior courts as per the US Constitution, have introduced some certifiably insane civilian disarmament measures. Included among them: A bill to require that every person applying for…
Obama-appointed federal judge strikes down federal law banning illegals from owning guns…
An Obama-appointed judge struck down the federal prohibition on illegal aliens possessing firearms in America. This happened in the Northern District of Illinois in the case of US v. Carbajal-Flores. It is an "as applied" decision, meaning it stands just for Mr. Carbajal-Flores. However if the decision is allowed to…
THOMAS MAAG WINS AGAIN: Judge strikes down new law limiting venue for legal challenges to state law
Remember that law that the Democrats passed to limit legal challenges to their gun control laws to Cook and Sangamon County courts? Yeah, it applies to any challenge to Illinois law, but was passed because of the bevy of suits filed across the state forced the AG's men to come…
ABOUT 17 SLOTS REMAIN: FREE Educator Concealed Carry Class June 22 & 23 at DeWitt Co. Sportsman’s Club near Clinton
Guns Save Life has partnered with GSL Defense Training and DeWitt County Sportsman's Club (DCSC) to offer a FREE 16-hour Illinois Concealed Carry course this summer in Clinton. It will take place on June 22 & 23 at DCSC facility six miles east of Clinton on Rt. 10. Open to…
WAR ON FARMERS: Farmland Conference coming Saturday, March 23rd in Ogden, IL
Farmers: Globalism is not your friend in America, either. Learn more about how these global "initiatives" are very bad for your farms, and what you can do to slow their advance.