Ft. Hood Killer was big supporter of gun control…
In a post on Facebook, the Ft. Hood killer (the recent one) posted: “It is stupid to me that anyone can have easy access to a powerful weapon without being mentally evaluated. This makes the government indirect accomplice… These bastards have perfected their way of attacking studying previous massacres to…
Bass Pro Shops sued over Security Guard College fraudulent training
Bass Pro is low looking into the barrel of a lawsuit seeking class-action status after one of the instructors they had teaching Illinois concealed carry classes in their stores was recently decertified for corner cutting on his courses. James Andel was an instructor teaching for the Illinois Security Guard College.…
LET’S HELP THEM FILL IT: Rep. Nekritz & ICHV to hold town hall on concealed carry
We were forwarded a copy of an invitation to attend a town hall meeting on concealed carry. It should be a hoot! Be sure to call and RSVP. Leave out your ideological persuasion when you RSVP. Dear Friend, Please join me on Wednesday, April 16th at 6PM for an informational session on Illinois'…
An entire Florida family opens up on home invader
The family that shoots together, stays together. And pity the fool who breaks into a house owned by a shooting family. Just as one violent thug attempted in Florida in recent days. Of all of the homes Mr. Bad Guy could have picked to victimize, he chose badly in…
SIMPLE MAYOR: Louisville mayor pleads with gun owners to leave guns at home this weekend
It seems almost incredulous that Louisville's mayor would plead for law-abiding gun owners with concealed carry licenses to leave their guns at home this coming weekend for "Thunder over Louisville" given the rampaging groups of violent black youths that have plagued the downtown areas in that city for weeks now.…
WHY WE CARRY: In a word… monsters. UPDATED
Simeon Adams. The 16-year-old above is a monster who is now in police custody for a spree of armed robberies where he shot his victims, twice each. Simeon Adams is the poster child for why we carry. There are monsters out there. Monsters who should have been run through…
Ft. Hood soldier pleads for right an end to “GUN FREE” death zones on military bases
A powerful letter to Congress, written by First Lt. Patrick Cook, of Ft. Hood, Texas. My letter to Congress, read today at Texas Senate committee on Constitutional Carry. It is now public record. To my friends, fellow Texans, brothers in arms, members of the committee, and everyone within the…
THE CONCEALED CARRY TRAINING GOLD RUSH: Some folks are risking everything to save $50
We found this piece from the April 2014 issue of The Center Mass Citizen Newsletter. (With some minor editing for readability). Center Mass, Inc. is a Michigan-based company that provides a host of firearms training programs for civilians and law enforcement. They seem to have their stuff together up there…
LIGHTER FARE: Watch Westboro cowards run for their lives
The despicable Westboro Baptist Church members traveled to Moore, OK to tell the residents there that God hates them. The Westboro kooks weren't welcome and half of the Moore Police Department was there to protect the kooks from local residents. The police line didn't last long. Within minutes, the protective…
CHICAGO CORRUPTION: Cooking the books on homicide numbers
Chicago insiders have just been exposed for reclassifying lots and lots of homicides in Chicago into non-criminal deaths. Not only does this unethical airbrushing of data save Chicago politicians the embarrassment of another homicide victim, it allows the Chicago Police Department to avoid the humiliation of yet another unsolved homicide.…