GOOD VERDICT, BAD SHOOT: Jury convicts in MN home invader case
[caption id="attachment_12109" align="alignnone" width="460"] Byron Smith.[/caption] Two kids break into a man's house and are shot dead. Sounds like a clear-cut case for self-defense, right? At first blush, yes. But not in this case. In Minnesota, a man laid in wait for burglars to break into his home. Nothing terribly…
FAILED TALISMAN: FedEx “NO GUNS” signs fail to repel rampaging lunatic
Kennesaw, GA was the location of a shooting rampage today. Some of you probably remember Kennesaw as the town that mandates homeowners own firearms for self-defense. After passing that measure a couple of decades ago, the town saw their crime rates plummet dramatically and to this day they have the…
Shannon Watts gets owned… again.
When he told her who he was, "Ms. Watts had a considerable change in demeanor". LOL. Can't wait to get my picture taken with her! From Facebook: Slide Fire Solutions, Inc. Slide Fire Design Director Todd Kauranen made a special trip away from the 2014 NRA show to thank Mrs.…
LIVE FREE USA’s Camp Independence coming this weekend!
Live Free USA's Camp Independence is coming this Saturday at Tippecanoe State Park near Winnemac, IN. Originated in 1968 this is the oldest Survivalist Gathering in the US. The FEATURED SPEAKERS will be Craig Douglas, host of Forbidden knowledge TV/Radio show and expert on nuclear threats and nuclear survival and…
ASTROTURF: Meager Moms Demand Action Indianapolis counter-demonstration paid for by Bloomberg
Moms Demand Action promised a big turn-out in Indianapolis for the NRA's convention and annual meetings. Bloomberg paid 120 people to attend. Their dedication was so high that over half didn't bother to show up after he paid them! Here's what they managed to turn out. That's about 75,000 fewer…
IllinoisCarry files suit for due process in Illinois CCW application objections
Illinois Carry, working with the legal beagles at NRA headquarters, have been working on some relief for those arbitrarily denied a concealed carry license. They have found three individuals who they believe are good plaintiffs and are filing a class-action suit, of sorts, to gain injunctive relief for due process…
CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: Wild weekend, new games with numbers, epic irony
Chicago's leaders are playing new games in Chicago homicide numbers, in collusion with the mainstream media, making "guns" the enemy instead of the many underlying causes of inner-city, rampant violence. The Sun-Times reported that four people were killed and 35 more were wounded in "shootings" across the city this past…
Watch Shannon Watts squirm, then flee tough questions Saturday in Indy
[caption id="attachment_12073" align="alignnone" width="600"] Armed security abounds at the Moms Demand Action "rally" in Indianapolis yesterday - all paid for by Michael Bloomberg.[/caption] Michael Bloomberg has paid good money to hire Shannon Watts as the leader of his Moms Demand Action gun control organization. Saturday, during the NRA convention -…
Moms Demand Action comparing themselves to cheap piece of meat
We're not much on social media, but this is too juicy to pass up. First, Shannon Watts, the Moms Demand Action chief, brags of her toughness in a "tweet" promoting her rally 1.4 miles from the NRA Convention in Indianapolis Saturday. She lives just fifteen or twenty minutes from Indy,…