AMMO CONSERVATION: One shot, six dead Taliban
Your feel-good story of the day. This British sniper scores a grand slam, sending six islamic terrorists to meet their little boys and 72 virgins in their afterlife with a single round fired. Nice! Now that's ammo conservation! We chuckled when we read the author of the story saying the…
IMMIGRATION CHECKPOINTS: This is how it should go…
I have no idea where Uncle found this, but I like it. This is how border patrol checkpoints inside the USA should go... It was posted on April 1, so that should tell you whether or not it is "real". It's superlative though.
GSL: A look under the hood…
We're growing. Guns Save Life's entry into the gun blog world in the third quarter of 2012 wasn't without a bump or two (such as when our service provider literally pulled the rug out from under us), but we've grown. We thought we would share our stats with the whole…
LAME HYPOCRISY: Anti-gun lesbian legislator attacks NRA lobbyist for pet issue lobbying
Anti-gun fanatic Kelly Cassidy (D-Moonbattery) is trying to make hay out of the fact that the National Rifle Association's man in Illinois, Todd Vandermyde, is lobbying for legislation to change a law he was ticketed for last year. Kelly Cassidy is the openly homosexual Illinois House member who cried on…
There's more to come as ISP has told us they have several ongoing investigations. UPDATE: Without getting too much into it, Jordan Zoot was "revoked" because of a medical-related FOID-card suspension/revocation, not because of improperly conducted courses. From ISP today: SPRINGFIELD – Illinois State Police (ISP) announced today that…
IL CCW TRAINING: Security Guard Training courses rejected by ISP
[caption id="attachment_11792" align="alignnone" width="789"] Get what you pay for? Students at Security Guard College got cheated by a trainer who seemed more interested in cashing checks than providing even the minimum levels of training required.[/caption] Here at Guns Save Life, we take a very dim view of instructors who…
IL Gov. Quinn proposes killing “Hire-A-Thug” hiring program
Governor Pat Quinn seeks to end his "Hire-A-Thug" hiring program, in the face of embarrassing disclosures. We covered the program a couple of weeks ago. And with a follow up. Capitol Fax has today's story: The AP drilled into the governor’s budget a little bit and found a few surprises.…
PLUM CRAZY: ATF rules Plum Crazy polymer receivers ILLEGAL
The Firearms Blog has a story of an ATF determination letter that the Plum Crazy brand of polymer receivers from a few years ago are non-compliant to he law in that the serial numbers are easily removed. During the examination of the submitted AR- 15 type firearm receiver section…
GONE: Douche Morgan says goodbye with parting gun control rant
As we wrote a little over a month ago, Piers Morgan got dumped by MSNBC. He delivered his last miserable episode Friday evening, subjecting his 314 viewers to one last dose of his funny accent and limited intellect. He closed his show not with an upbeat message about greatness and…
CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: The orgy of violence continues unabated
So much for Chicago Police Chief Garry McCarthy's successful policing tactics that he claimed were responsible for a sharp drop in violent crime in Chicago early in the year. Now that it's not negative thirty wind chill and sixteen inches of snow on the ground, the trash in Chicago are…