With a Shortage of Troopers, Alaska Town Urges Residents To Arm Themselves. More Cities Should Do That
A few years ago, the "Second Amendment Sanctuary" resolutions took the nation by storm. It was mostly done at the county level, but some cities and even states got onboard. Today, something new has come out of Alaska that might prove another great grassroots pushback to the latest round of…
NOT THE BABYLON BEE: Biden to Send Troops to Stop Texas from Protecting the Southern Border
So Joe Biden's handlers have decided to up the ante in the battle with Texas over whether or not to stop the invasion into our country. Today "Joe" is nationalizing part of Texas' National Guard to do his bidding instead of protecting the people of Texas. Maybe Greg Abbott needs…
IT AIN’T PRETTY: Marking 11 Years of so-called ‘Chicago Values’
Eleven years ago, on January 25, 2013, then Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel came out in opposition to allowing a Chick-fil-A restaurant in the city. Why? From the horse's mouth: Chick-fil-A’s values are not Chicago values. And if you’re gonna be part of the Chicago community, you should reflect Chicago values.…
‘I’D COME TO CHICAGO TOO’: Chicago alderman reveals how city is paying $9k per MONTH to illegal invaders
Why it's almost like our ruling class in Illinois hate Americans and will do anything and everything they can to make our lives worse while welcoming semi-literate, unvaccinated people who come not because they want to become Americans, but because of economic reasons. Democrats welcome them because they represent what…
‘MIGRANT APOCALYPSE’: Illegal alien invasion of Chicago described as ‘apocalypse’; ‘a failure of leadership’ cited by William Kelly to Greg Bishop
Greg Bishop does a really nice job with his "Bishop On Air" radio show in the mornings. I don't always have time to listen to it live but he reposts some of the best segments. Frankly, when he has long-time Chicago reporter William Kelly on, it's time well spent to…
Meet the power of prayer… and a pistol to repel a homicidal home intruder in Mississippi
A Mississippi mom harnessed the power of prior planning, prayer and last but not least her pistol to protect her three small children and herself from a determined attacker. It happened in Carroll County, Mississippi, a couple of Mondays ago. Cops say Steve Lamar Goss, Jr., a felon out on…
FREE Educator Concealed Carry Class June 22 & 23 at DeWitt Co. Sportsman’s Club near Clinton
Guns Save Life has partnered with GSL Defense Training and DeWitt County Sportsman's Club (DCSC) to offer a FREE 16-hour Illinois Concealed Carry course this summer in Clinton. It will take place on June 22 & 23 at DCSC facility six miles east of Clinton on Rt. 10. Open to…
WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING? 6262 Illinois gun owners register guns (illegally) after January 1.
The beartrap opened up by the Illinois State Police by leaving the gun ban registry open after the December 31st deadline is snaring about twenty people a day on average. Many of those folks, if they have two or more firearms, are admitting under penalty of perjury that they are…
Honor Flight: Fly this summer with a GSL group out of Springfield with Land of Lincoln Honor Flight
Last fall, Guns Save Life partnered with Land of Lincoln Honor Flight to send dozens of Vietnam-era and older veterans to Washington DC as part of the Honor Flight program. We had a GREAT time! Land of Lincoln Honor Flight will send another group of GSL referred vets this summer…
HAMAS/HEZBOLLAH: Denver PD reportedly arrested 50 terrorists in past two months
So if Denver PD apprehended 50 Islamic terrorists in the past two months, how many got away? We've repeatedly covered the "sleeper cell" angle of things here. It gets brought up again in this piece. Watch the video. From Wall Street Apes: WOW Americans Have No Idea How Bad Things…