HAMMER TIME: Video. Hammer-wielding lunatic attacks police
[caption id="attachment_11640" align="alignnone" width="1000"] Officer Hector Marquez shot and killed 37-year-old Andy Snider, who was armed with a hammer, after officers responded to an assault call at the 7-Eleven on University and Central, according to police. Police officers chased Snider into an alley before he confronted them with the…
BREAKING: Hawaii now shall-issue
Thanks to the US Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Hawaii is now shall-issue. The Ninth Circuit has ruled: In light of our holding in Peruta, the district court made an error of law when it concluded that the Hawaii statues did not implicate protected Second Amendment activity. Accordingly, we…
GOT GENERATOR? What if all the lights go out?
By The Times editorial board March 16, 2014 Californians may be inured to rolling blackouts that cut off their power for hours at a time, but imagine an outage that darkens the entire country — for more than a year. That nightmare scenario could happen if just a handful…
Chicago Police Head Garry McCarthy claims credit for downturn in violence
Chicago (Tribune) - Chicago police Superintendent Garry McCarthy on Wednesday said the number of shootings, particularly gang-related ones, has dropped sharply in the first 2 ½ months of 2014. At a news conference at a police station in the Englewood neighborhood, one of the city’s most violent over the…
HOT LEAD SUPPLEMENTS: Young carjacker’s career truncated
Here's a rather entertaining video of a young thug trying to commit an armed carjacking in broad daylight. The driver of the vehicle was also armed, and unlike the punk, he knew how to use his firearm. It's interesting to see just how quickly the punk's body quit working after…
Hell has a new resident: Fred Phelps, Westboro Church Founder
Hip, Hip, HOOORAY! One of the most despicable people in America died last night. Fred Phelps, the founder of the utterly detestable Westboro Baptist Church, stole his last breath of oxygen. The question is, will people picket his funeral with signs that say, "God hates Westboro"? For the most part,…
Delaware Supremes recognize right to bear arms in public areas
Public housing tenants have a right to bear arms, even in common areas (Volokh Conspiracy) - So holds Tuesday’s Delaware Supreme Court decision in Doe v. Wilmington Housing Authority) (Del. Mar. 18, 2014). The court applied the Delaware Constitution’s right to bear arms provision — “A person has the right…
Poor Moms Demand Action. They've had a bad few months, getting humiliated and embarrassed at every turn. Those desperate, demanding moms have had multiple public relations disasters with Staples, including being escorted off the company's headquarters property when they tried to present a handful of petitions. (That was easy!)…
NO GUNS, NO BUSINESS: Anti-gun and proud of it
First, a certified jackwagon from South Carolina that not only posted his establishment, but included a derogatory message to that state's gun owners: “If you are such a loser that you feel a need to carry a gun with you when you go out, I do not want your business.…
Illinois State Police decertifies corner-cutting instructors from Sparky’s Armory
The Illinois State Police have decertified a pair of instructors in St. Clair County, IL after an investigation initiated in January found that they were spending as little as two hours of class time teaching Illinois 16-hour concealed carry class. The two found themselves on the ISP's radar after…