Dear Front Site: STOP SPAMMING ME!
Got this from a friend. Dear Front Sight (Dr. Piazza): I joined up on 07/2012 (I believe in response to an “incredible limited lifetime membership offer” or the like). Since then, I’ve received over 660 membership enhancement solicitation emails (and a total of 926 emails, give or…
CONSEQUENCES: Young couple terrorized by thugs who hit wrong house
With decisions come consequences: MADISON (WKOW) -- Police arrested six people believed to be involved in what they're calling one of the most brutal crimes in recent memory. Madison police say three men planned a home invasion, but broke into the wrong home on Quincy Avenue on the north…
Obama blocks Russian ammo, firearms imports
President Barack Hussein Obama has, by executive decree, cut off all Russian arms and ammo imports into the USA. That cheap Russian "Wolf" ammo that chewed up your AR's barrel is soon to be as rare as hen's teeth. Ditto for Tula ammo and all the rest of it. And…
Comcast is the devil… New email for time being.
by John Boch If you need me, email me at As much as I detest Google, they are VASTLY better in service than Comcast it seems. Comcast sucks. No, they really suck. I'm in the process of moving and Comcast decided yesterday I no longer needed my old email…
NOT UNCOMMON UNDER OBAMA: ATF Ignorning the rule of law with Ares Armor
With greater and greater frequency, our federal government, under the leadership of Barack Hussein Obama, has been running the nation with little regard for the rule of law. The implementation of Obamacare is one example where Barack Obama's officials have changed the so-called law at their whim. The bankruptcy of…
PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER? Self-admitted bigot writes anonymous screed
A cowardly bigot's rant We received this letter post-marked Springfield from a self-admitted closed-minded bigot who is also an educator. Woe be to her students. Dear Gun Nuts, The fact that there is a publication devoted to guns/gun owners is amazing to me. The picture of the cute girl on…
Scandal? Coles County Sheriff sells confiscated guns for department equipment
Illinois Watchdog has a story of Coles County Sheriff Darrell Cox of selling or trading confiscated firearms to federally licensed gun dealers, asking if he has the authority to do so. It's been picked up by FoxNews, Daily Caller and others. IL sheriff seizes, sells guns. But does…
Bloodbath in Detroit! Dead bad guys, that is…
Residents of Detroit have had enough with scumbags and hoodlums raping, robbing and pillaging with impunity in the Motor City. These sub-human barbarians see their fellow neighbors and citizens as targets to victimize instead of doing honest work. Well, there's a new sheriff in town, so to speak. The new…
ISRA endorses DILLARD for Governor
ISRA's Political Victory Fund has endorsed Kirk Dillard for the Republican nomination for Governor. We must say, Dillard visited Guns Save Life a couple of months ago and impressed us as well. GSL is unable to make endorsements because of tax law reasons. Rutherford also made a great impression at…