I WANT ONE!: Army soldiers get a new tool in Carl Gustaf
I want one! The US Army will now be issuing soldiers the M3 Carl Gustaf, an 84mm recoilless rifle. The new "gun" is reloadable, with an effective range of nearly a mile, and comes equipped with a night-vision sight. FoxNews - The U.S. Army is bringing in the…
Earthquake in Florida: Obamacare, guns sunk Sink
You may have heard about the special Congressional election in Florida yesterday. In that race, an underfunded Republican David Jolly defeated a well funded (through national Democratic sources) and well-promoted Democrat Alex Sink. Many in the media are claiming it's Obamacare that sunk Sink, a former candidate for Governor in…
New NYC mayor claims HIS policies causing big drop in crime; claiming credit of sunrise next
It's no secret that new New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio (born Warren Wilhelm Jr.) is a far-left moonbat and he brings along his moonbattery beliefs to NYC government. He's rolling back successful policing practices that have brought down violent crime in past years in The Big Apple, as…
Another school over-reacts on NRA t-shirt
Every school year, a handful of school administrators have to learn the hard way that they can't tell their students to turn National Rifle Association t-shirts inside out or change clothes. NRA shirts are protected political speech. Violating First Amendment rights usually comes with a pretty stiff pricetag. Like the…
One great meeting!
[caption id="attachment_11518" align="alignnone" width="600"] Paul Lewis, former Iranian hostage.[/caption] Last night's Guns Save Life monthly meeting in Rantoul was a great time as well over two hundred fifty members and guests attended in a gathering of the faithful. [caption id="attachment_11519" align="alignnone" width="600"] We stand with Connecticut gun owners refusing to…
CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: Retired cop critically wounded in home invasion
A retired police officer, rumored to be a sergeant, was shot in the neck by a pair of home invaders after he'd told them where to find his safe. If a retired police sergeant, who knows Chicago and has chosen to live in a decent part of the city, isn't…
Win a Ruger LCRx, compliments of Pawn King in Urbana
Pawn King in Urbana, IL has graciously donated a Ruger LCRx ("x" for exposed hammer) as Guns Save Life's April drawing gun at our Rantoul meeting. The gun, in .38 Special caliber, is a nice carry piece for pockets or purse carry. I've checked out the gun myself and…
Think Progress unhappy George Zimmerman signing autographs at gun show in FL
Poor Think "Progress". They're in a tizzy that George Zimmerman was at a gun show in Florida this past weekend signing autographs for admirers. Yes, admirers. People admire a man that despite being pilloried and castigated by Dem politicians and the mainstream media, he didn't crack under the pressure. …
Hey Bruce Rauner: Your huntin’ dog doesn’t hunt gun rights!
[caption id="attachment_11495" align="alignnone" width="433"] Billionaire Bruce Rauner has earned himself the nickname "Baron Von Carhartt" for wearing working man's jackets in many of his commercials, trying to appeal to regular Joes in Illinois.[/caption] Illinois Republican gubernatorial nominee and multi-billionaire Bruce Rauner has been Captain Invisible on gun rights. He plays…
A mental health professional responds to our “Loose lips can cost you your gun rights” story
This was written by a friend of ours who has been in the mental health field for upwards of twenty years now. It's in response to our article on "Loose lips can cost you your gun rights". by GardenSerf The mental health reporting requirements have been in practice in…