Earthquake in Florida: Obamacare, guns sunk Sink

You may have heard about the special Congressional election in Florida yesterday. In that race, an underfunded Republican David Jolly defeated a well funded (through national Democratic sources) and well-promoted Democrat Alex Sink. Many in the media are claiming it's Obamacare that sunk Sink, a former candidate for Governor in…

Another school over-reacts on NRA t-shirt

Every school year, a handful of school administrators have to learn the hard way that they can't tell their students to turn National Rifle Association t-shirts inside out or change clothes. NRA shirts are protected political speech.  Violating First Amendment rights usually comes with a pretty stiff pricetag. Like the…

One great meeting!

[caption id="attachment_11518" align="alignnone" width="600"] Paul Lewis, former Iranian hostage.[/caption] Last night's Guns Save Life monthly meeting in Rantoul was a great time as well over two hundred fifty members and guests attended in a gathering of the faithful. [caption id="attachment_11519" align="alignnone" width="600"] We stand with Connecticut gun owners refusing to…

Hey Bruce Rauner: Your huntin’ dog doesn’t hunt gun rights!

[caption id="attachment_11495" align="alignnone" width="433"] Billionaire Bruce Rauner has earned himself the nickname "Baron Von Carhartt" for wearing working man's jackets in many of his commercials, trying to appeal to regular Joes in Illinois.[/caption] Illinois Republican gubernatorial nominee and multi-billionaire Bruce Rauner has been Captain Invisible on gun rights. He plays…