Contrasting Venezuela, Iraq and Chicago homicides

Miguel at Gun Free Zone (put it on your regular reading list) has a great story today comparing the nations of Iraq (where residents have some semblance of a right to keep firearms in their homes) to Venezuela (a supposed democracy where residents have NO right to keep firearms). Interesting…

An example of an unwarranted FOID revocation

by John Boch We posted a story about the extremely low rates of Firearm Owner Identification Card revocation earlier today.  In short, Illinois gun owners have less than four-tenths of one percent rate of FOID revocation, and most of the reasons for revocation have nothing to do with a criminal…

Connecticut’s gun pre-confiscation letter: Here it is.

We broke the story to gun owners nationwide about Connecticut mailing a pre-confiscation letter to that state's gun owners who were late with their registration applications. Over 200 gun and magazine owners, with notarized statements and descriptions of their property listed on completed registration applications, were sent the letters, bringing…