Eighth annual Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day a success

Thousands of Prairie State gun owners braved very cold temperatures and wind-chills in Springfield to march seven blocks to the Illinois State Capitol building to promote gun rights and self-defense on Wednesday, March 5th. It was the eighth annual IGOLD event, sponsored by the Illinois State Rifle Association, in conjunction…

How about a national discussion on black violence?

Weerd at Weer'd World would like to have a national discussion, but not necessarily completely about guns. Instead, he's asking for a discussion regarding the disproportionate - massively disproportionate - representation of blacks in crime stats. There seems to be a cultural problem among black families in America.  Perhaps there's…

Americans embrace guns!

You can deny reality, but that doesn't make it true any more than it does for a whining three-year-old's temper tantrum. Glenn Reynolds nails it in his USA Today column. "Americans Embrace Guns." This past weekend, the Tennessee Law Review held a symposium on "New Frontiers in the Second Amendment."…

Bigots and idiots self-identify on Facebook

Facebook offers a chance for people to self-identify as idiots and bigots. Witness these comments on the Chicago Tribune's Facebook page regarding their story about Illinois mailing the first batch of carry licenses. Dan Hensley Everyone PLEASE watch what you do around others in public! The slightest thing that could…

WICD story on CCW license arrival

First, a shout out to Scott Bowyer for letting me know Channel 15 was looking for a license holder for the story. Channel 15, WICD Champaign, was looking for a CCW licensee today to do a story on "what's changed" since the license arrived.  Heather Good from the station met…

EPIC FAIL: Staples kicks Moms Demand Action out of corporate HQ

  [caption id="attachment_11388" align="alignnone" width="600"] Moms Demand Action never looked this good, even from the get go. Today, they are more like "Moms With Leprosy Demand Action".[/caption] Moms Demand Action's star is fading fast. The wholly Bloomberg-owned subsidiary of Michael Bloomberg and his Mayors Against Gun Ownership (or something like…