News to us: CSGV says GunsSaveLife threatens bloodshed against CT State Police
Found this in the spam filter. We're flattered they mentioned us, but clearly, money isn't buying reading comprehension among the employees working at CSGV. Here's the original text in the article cited: How long will it be before there is bloodshed over this law? We’re not sure, but we’re confident…
IGOLD is Wednesday! Come join us… Bus seats available!
Don't by shy. IGOLD - the Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day - is a fantastic, fun experience that makes quite an impression on legislators and political observers both in Illinois and beyond. Go. Really. Go. You'll be among thousands of your closest friends. And, from Valinda Rowe at Illinois…
Thinking about posting a “No Guns” sign: Watch this. …or not.
Dom Raso explains why keeping law-abiding gun owners out of private businesses is a mistake.
Latest kooky idea: Selling your home? Make it a “Gun Free” zone
Can you imagine something so kooky as posting your home that you're wishing to sell as a "gun free zone" where prospective real estate agents wishing to show your house, along with prospective buyers would be forbidden from carrying inside? From the Chicago Tribune: Late last week, ... the Illinois…
Connecticut Carry: Enforce tyrannical law or repeal it.
Connecticut Carry, a pro-civil rights organization in Connecticut dedicated to expanding that state's carry laws and increasing the numbers of people with carry permits, has published a press release challenging the State of Connecticut to enforce their tyrannical gun registration law that made felons of potentially a hundred thousand or…
Norton “Connect Safe” labels Guns Save Life “Pornography”
Norton "Connect Safe" is blocking Guns Save Life from public access at locations that use their software by labeling us as "pornography". If it wasn't a serious matter of our civil rights, it would be laughable. Here's their email. Contact them and ask them to remove from their "porn"…
Venture Beat: Facebook to ban gun-themed pages
When you see Facebook, think "My Space" and we'll tell you why: Teens are increasingly disinterested in Facebook as it's no longer seen as the "hip" place to be. As Facebook struggles to stay afloat with increasing ad revenue, subjecting users to pesky ads at a growing rate, they risk…
New Jersey Democrats looking ban .22s and send their owners to jail
While the Democrats in Connecticut are trying to figure out how to handle mass non-compliance of their gun registration bill, Democrats in New Jersey are looking to skip registration and proceed directly to confiscation and arrests of gun owners. Is civil war on the horizon? MILLER: New Jersey bill…
Illinois “NO GUNS” sign fails to stop “gun” violence
Chicago police guard the entrance to a parking garage on East Randolph Street, between State Street and Wabash Avenue, after a man was found dead there Thursday. (Phil Velasquez, Chicago Tribune / February 27, 2014) Imagine that... a person with less than noble intentions in his heart ignored the…
Chinese sheeple flock culled by knife-wielding terrorists
The only thing that stops bad men with evil in their heart is a good guy with a gun. (BBC) - An attack by knife-wielding men at a railway station in Kunming in south-west China has left at least 29 dead, the state news agency Xinhua says. Another 130…