JEPSEN: That uncomfortable hunk of metal

by Kent Jepsen This kind of stuff really annoys me.   I initially thought this was a classic case of “irony,” but many would probably call it poetic justice. GUN STUN: Gun control activist swears he forgot he was carrying gun while visiting school (Daily Caller) - A Buffalo, N.Y. community…

PEPSI: We didn’t do it!

Pepsi sent this to Robert Farago of The Truth About Guns after one of their eagle-eyed fans sent them a tip about Pepsico sponsoring Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly's anti-gun gab-fest at the Aspen Ideas Festival. It seems, taking their note on its face as valid and accurate, that Pepsico's…

Freedom marches on…

  Freedom marches on in the USA as the number of Americans living in "May Issue" states has dropped dramatically with the Peruta decision. And thanks to Illinois last year, the "red" citizens - those living on non-issuing states - dropped to zero. From the Volokh Conspiracy, now at the…