Choirboys, part II: Good guy with gun thwarts trio of ghetto thugs
Three choir boys try to pull an armed robbery of an off-duty Cook County Deputy Sergeant. It doesn't go so well for the leader of the pack. Oh, wait! They weren't choir boys? See for yourselves To the reporter: Honey, sources tell him that "young teen" won't pull any more…
Washington DC Gun Laws: Jail time over dud shotshell
How far above and beyond the call of brains are gun haters willing to go in the name of "reasonable" gun restrictions? Well, as they are control freaks as much as they are zealots, one could safely say "pretty far" above and beyond. Well into the range of ludicrous as…
OBAMA WORLD: Ohio National Guard denies training against 2nd Amendment activist “threat”
Last January, at the height of the Sandy Hook hysteria, the Ohio National Guard held a training exercise. The "bad guys"? Strict Constructionist Constitutional supporters of the Second Amendment. (Keep in mind that link is to the left-of-center Wiki). When pressed about the scenario involving Second Amendment supporters by a…
APOPLECTIC: NY State gun-haters upset over new NY SAFE Act-legal AR-15
America's favorite rifle is America's favorite rifle. Anti-gun politicians, including New York State's Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo, think they can wave a magic wand and the marketplace will respect their arbitrary and capricious edicts without adapting? These gun haters are about as smart as a gun. Or a hammer. Or…
Wendy Davis: Back-pedalling from her new-found love of guns
Wendy Davis, darling of the far-left wing of the Democrat Party in Texas, has in recent days - as her campaign for governor crumbled around her thanks to her discredited lies - discovered her new-found interest in supporting Texans' right to open carry. Yeah, we chuckled too. We were amused…
Gun registration scheme proposed in Illinois House. YAWN.
We've been getting "concerned" emails of late about rumors of a new gun registration bill in the Illinois House. It's true. There is such a bill. Representative Kelly M. Cassidy (D-Moonbatteryland) has introduced House Bill 4715 - a firearm registration bill. Here's the summary: Creates the Firearms Registration Act. Provides…
Mayors Against Illegal Guns suffers 15% membership drop
Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns has suffered a 15% drop in membership since the Newtown tragedy, losing 161 members in that time. The losses stem from both members who felt misled as to the group's goals to members expelled because of criminal misdeeds. Meanwhile, the NRA has…
Remington R51: Avoid the hype and take a pass
The new Remington R51 pistol is actually getting more digital and dead tree ink than the new G2 Research RIP 9mm round, if that's actually possible. We saw how the hype is just that with the new R.I.P. round and it looks as though an unbiased look at the R51…
Pontiac Police Department answers CCW questions
Sorry about the formatting. Pontiac, IL police policies and procedures on the new concealed carry licenses in Illinois. For your information only. Pontiac Police Response to: Concealed Carry Permits in Illinois Statute Rules Must possess the license when carrying concealed except: When on own land, abode or fixed…
All training isn’t the same… nor are the students…
by John Boch Perusing IllinoisCarry this morning and saw a post that gave me pause. ajg2014 Posted 07 February 2014 - 08:03 PM A week after taking his IL and FL CCW class, I had a situation that I never expected to have. At 7:30 in the morning someone started…