Want to meet good people and help with election integrity? Illinois Freedom Alliance has Training Available Online!
The good folks at The Illinois Freedom Alliance are doing their very best to fight for election integrity in Illinois. Of course, they have their work cut out for them. They posted their training schedule for February and March and we're sharing it here. Why? Because election integrity is important.…
PICA court challenge hearing Friday… Judge McGlynn to state’s request to take 11+ months for discovery: ‘I’m not interested in delaying this case’
The Southern District of Illinois had an important status hearing today in Judge McGlynn's Court. Once again, Greg Bishop of Bishop On Air has the authoritative summary in an X thread well worth reading for those who wish to geek out. If you want to skip reading and listen to…
GSL Meetings coming this week! Please note meeting changes…
Here are a couple of updates: February. Peoria. will meet on the SECOND Thursday of the month because of a scheduling conflict of our hosts. Please RSVP here for food to help our host prep the appropriate among of food. If you are unable to use the link, you can…
CESSPOOL: Chicago Teacher’s Union head threatens violence against CPS elementary school principal
The Chicago Teachers Union head, Stacy Davis Gates (pictured above) says it's all just a big misunderstanding. She didn't really mean it when she reportedly told her "brothers and sisters" at a CPS elementary school to "punch their principal in the face." Why Stacy? This from a woman who somehow…
America’s Marxist Mayor Brandon Johnson sympathizes with murderers: ‘Whatever pain you are expressing…’
America's Marxist Mayor Brandon Johnson is a tone-deaf turd. In the space of a week or two, amid intermittent hospitalizations for panic attacks, he's managed to stick his foot into his mouth up to his knee at least three times. First, he called for the "killing to stop" in Israel's…
Curious about what’s ‘regulated’ as a naughty gun in the Land of Lincoln? Here you go… from the horsey’s mouth
Are you a little bit unsure about what parts of your collection are considered naughty guns by the Illinois State Police and Gov. JB Pritzker? Well, we've referred people to the Illinois State Police's Identification Guide countless times in phone calls and at meetings. Here it is for the website. …
REFORM QUALIFIED IMMUNITY: Who pays for both police misconduct & botched SWAT raids? Taxpayers. Let’s fix that.
by John Boch Op-Ed. Right out of the gate: I support the rule of law and law-and-order. I'm an even bigger advocate of individual civil rights. When it comes to police misconduct, Qualified Immunity needs to be reformed, perhaps radically. Alternatively, states could pass legislation to allow victims of police…
by John Boch I get that “Where’s the NRA?” question a lot. It seems my peer at the Illinois State Rifle Association gets the same question. Our answers, however, remain starkly different. ISRA’s Rich Pearson wrote this in a January 12th email “update”: Lots of folks seem to think that…
February 2024 issue of GunNews available for download!
The February 2024 issue of GunNews, the monthly journal of Guns Save Life, is now available for public download. You can get yours HERE. Feel free to share the link or to download the publication and email to your circle of friends, family, co-workers and anyone else. For those living…
FEEL GOOD STORY OF THE DAY: Teen girl sex predator meets Dad in Las Vegas Courthouse. It doesn’t go well for the alleged pervert. [VIDEO]
An Afghanistan "immigrant" saw an adolescent girl asleep in a hotel room in Las Vegas. So what does he do? Cops say he took his pants off and started grind on the 15-ish-year-old girl. Maybe that's how they do things in Afghanistan, buddy. But you're not in Kansas anymore, pal.…