NJ’s idea of reasonable: Lower mag limit to 10, but let shooters stop to pee
Bob Owens at Bearing Arms has a good piece on New Jersey's Democrats striking a deal amongst themselves on gun control. Barack Hussein Obama would call it a fair and reasonable deal. They have agreed to lower the state's magazine capacity limit from fifteen rounds to ten. In "exchange", in…
Church Security Seminar March 15 in Orland Park
Fortress Defense is sponsoring a Church Safety and Security Seminar on Saturday, March 15th. [caption id="attachment_11150" align="alignnone" width="600"] Click for full-size.[/caption]
YOU’RE INVITED: Anti-CCW meeting in Hoffman Estates, Feb 24th
You've been cordially invited: From the ISRA. The gun control movement and their gun-grabbing pals in the Illinois General Assembly are preparing a major legislative attack on your right to keep and bear arms. We have already seen a number of anti-gun bills introduced into the legislature. Among them is…
STUPID: Salon magazine asks if it’s time for more black violence
Brittney Cooper wrote in Salon: Michael Dunn and open season on black teenagers: The onslaught of white murder How much more are black people in this country supposed to take? On Saturday, a Florida jury failed to convict Michael Dunn for the callous murder of Jordan Davis. Though he was…
KaBOOM! Don’t leave your cleaning rod in the barrel…
... or bad things will happen. Especially in a .338 Lapua. These are photos from a kaBOOM! in Florida in recent days, as posted over at The Sniper's Hide. Minor injuries to the shooter, who was stunned for a number of minutes after touching off that grenade. I'm not…
The smart folks are leaving insanely crime-plagued Cook County
The smart ones who can afford it are saying, "Adios" to Cook County's insanely high crime rates and silly nanny-state government regulations. Sadly, that leaves plenty more who want to move out of one of the most violent counties in the nation. (Crains) As the Great Recession churned job prospects…
KUBICEK: What, me worry? Why we should all prepare for emergencies
by Fred Kubicek Why should we all strive to achieve a greater level of personal preparedness in our lives and that of our friends and local communities? Let me share this with you. On February 11, 2014 James Clapper presented a Worldwide Threat Assessment report to Congress. The 32…
LA Times Editorial FAIL
The Los Angeles Times. Long known as no friend of individual rights or the right to keep and bear arms. Like petulant children, they offer up a screed lamenting the US Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals recognizing an individual right to bear arms outside of the four corners of one's…
Remington, Unions and Jobs: Tying things together.
New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo's spokesman tried to put some water on the news that 2,000 jobs will be leaving New York State soon as Remington moves it's Illion, NY facility for Alabama. He posted a comment on Twitter trying to spin the news as untrue. Yeah, Rich. You…