Lone Survivor star Mark Wahlberg: Prohibited from touching guns?
(Language alert in some of the cited works) Mark Wahlberg, star of the current hit movie Lone Survivor, has a checkered past. In fact, as a 16-year-old, Walberg pled guilty in 1988 to two counts of criminal contempt after beating a Vietnamese man badly enough that the victim of the…
IL HOUSE BILL 4290: Bad instructors don’t pass go or collect $200. They go to jail.
by John Boch House Representative Ed Sullivan, Jr. (R) called me in recent days and explained his new House Bill 4290. In a nutshell, it's more or less a single-paragraph in length (why couldn't more bills be like this one?) and says if you fraudulently certify someone has completed firearms…
Colion Noir and Dom Raso: Obama, China and our guns & a bonus clip
Oh yeah, and while we're embedding videos, check this one out. Argue with a judge, spend time in jail. Tell a judge "F-you", spend a lot of time in jail. Here's a priceless three minute video for you. It's a little humorous watching a disrespectful,…
Epic reply to hoplophobic Grand Rapids, MI mayor
The gun-hating mayor of Grand Rapids, Michigan - a colossal jewel of brilliance - released an official statement to his city council in reaction to a peaceable citizen open carrying at a local government meeting in recent days. Fair disclosure and warning: take a blood pressure pill before reading.…
Ladies: Looking for a manly product as a gift for that man in your life? Look no further than Duke Cannon Supply Company. Real products for real men. Here's their manifesto: Their donations for veterans? Goes to Honor Flight. Nice. Duke Cannon.com
CORRECTION: Liberty Guns Remodeling Open House slated for Feb. 21 & 22
In the print issue of GunNews, the editor emeritus made a mistake and wrote the Liberty Guns Remodeling Open House was February 14 & 15, when it was really February 21 & 22. Here's the corrected information: Remodeling Open House February 21 & 22 from 10am-5pm both days. There will…
Beretta doesn’t bluff: Moving production to Tennesseee
Beretta told Maryland's state legislature that passage of anti-gun bills early last year would force the company to re-think their plans for growth and expansion in Governor Martin O'Malley's state. "Berettas don't bluff," the Old Line State lawmakers were told. The legislature passed a whole new raft of gun restrictions…
Causing consternation in Texas…
Girl Scouts and Guns Go Viral in Ft. Worth By Dean Weingarten on January 29, 2014 From The Truth About Guns... The above photo showing members of Come and Take It – Ft. Worth and some local cookie purveyors is getting heavy play on the internets —…
"The wounds I received I got in a job I love, doing it for people I love, supporting the freedom of a country I deeply love." - Jason Redman In this time when some veterans assistance groups take in hundreds of millions in donations and spend precious little on the…
Wounded Warriors Project “legal scam” kills off grassroots, all-volunteer “Help Indiana Veterans” group
The Wounded Warriors Project, a group that has been called a "legal scam" by veterans, has successfully killed off the all-volunteer Indiana veterans assistance group "Help Indiana Veterans". Why? Because Dean Graham, the head of Help Indiana Veterans, wrote that Wounded Warriors was a scam because that so-called charitable organization…