Citizens for a *REALLY* safe Ashland, Oregon…

...have a message for you. It's Sunday.  Time for some lighter fare. This is wonderful, four-minute video.  Turn up the volume and pay attention to this guy.  He is very humorous in his pointed satire of a proposed local ordinance to ban "loaded carry" to "make Ashland safer".   How he…

Anti-gun Mass. state representative expelled today

Why are anti-gun activists so violent? Could it be the manifestation of psychological projection in their fears of gun owners? In any event, the at-times violent, anti-gun activist and jailed Massachusetts State Representative Carlos Henriquez was expelled from the Massachusetts House today by a 146-5 vote. His transgression? He beat…

Good guy with a gun stops would-be spree killer

Good guys with a gun are the only thing that stops bad guys with evil in their hearts. That was the case Wednesday, February 5th in Perry, Florida, as a disgruntled employee for Timberland Ford crashed his truck through a display window and came out blazing with a semi-auto shotgun.…

Congrats to Pontiac winners!

[caption id="attachment_10799" align="alignnone" width="600"] If you see Terry Zeiters (left) or Wayne Jensen (right), wish the congratulations on their winning the monthly gun drawing. Jensen came away with the home defense shotgun. Zeiters on a rimfire steel plate rack.[/caption] Over two dozen folks braved what were supposed to be terrible…