All training isn’t the same… nor are the students…
by John Boch Perusing IllinoisCarry this morning and saw a post that gave me pause. ajg2014 Posted 07 February 2014 - 08:03 PM A week after taking his IL and FL CCW class, I had a situation that I never expected to have. At 7:30 in the morning someone started…
It’s okay to beat women if you’re the right political and racial persuasion
[caption id="attachment_10842" align="alignnone" width="540"] Former anti-gun Massachusetts State Representative Carlos Henriquez probably doesn't like the sex available to him in jail.[/caption] Yes, apparently it's true. It's okay to beat women if you're the right political and racial persuasion. Here's a hint: You can't be supportive of gun rights though. It…
Citizens for a *REALLY* safe Ashland, Oregon…
...have a message for you. It's Sunday. Time for some lighter fare. This is wonderful, four-minute video. Turn up the volume and pay attention to this guy. He is very humorous in his pointed satire of a proposed local ordinance to ban "loaded carry" to "make Ashland safer". How he…
Move over Maxim: American Rifleman magazine now in top 25 in circulation
[caption id="attachment_10832" align="alignnone" width="600"] Move over Maxim. American Rifleman bumps Maxim magazine off top 25 list.[/caption] How about that... American Rifleman bumped Maxim magazine off to enter the top 25 titles, in circulation, as reported by the Alliance for Audited Media. From Ad Age: American Rifleman, one of the magazines…
Anti-gun Mass. state representative expelled today
Why are anti-gun activists so violent? Could it be the manifestation of psychological projection in their fears of gun owners? In any event, the at-times violent, anti-gun activist and jailed Massachusetts State Representative Carlos Henriquez was expelled from the Massachusetts House today by a 146-5 vote. His transgression? He beat…
ISRA Director’s Message: Anti-gunner Phillip Hoffman’s Death, Giffords, NRA convention and more…
One nice thing the ISRA does is publish an update every Thursday. This week, they included an "Executive Director's Message". In a word: bravo. Pearson writes about the dead actor Phillip Seymour Hoffman, writing that he was hardly a role model. We agree, unless you aspire to be a…
Good guy with a gun stops would-be spree killer
Good guys with a gun are the only thing that stops bad guys with evil in their hearts. That was the case Wednesday, February 5th in Perry, Florida, as a disgruntled employee for Timberland Ford crashed his truck through a display window and came out blazing with a semi-auto shotgun.…
Petersburg, IL: Mar 1 presentation on 19th Century Illinois gun makers
[caption id="attachment_10807" align="alignnone" width="600"] Author Curtis Johnson with a sample of his 19th century gun collection. Click for full size.[/caption] “Judicial Candidate Grosboll to Hold Event on 19th Century Gun Makers” Citizens to elect Gabe Grosboll as Menard County Judge are holding an event on Saturday, March 1st, 2014…
DELICATE SENSIBILITIES: “No Guns” signage “disturbing” to so-called educators
(Southtown Star) - A black gun with a red slash through it. It is a sign of the times, as well as a sign that is sure to become ubiquitous. School officials want the public to know that in compliance with state law (House Bill 0183), schools, churches, government…
Congrats to Pontiac winners!
[caption id="attachment_10799" align="alignnone" width="600"] If you see Terry Zeiters (left) or Wayne Jensen (right), wish the congratulations on their winning the monthly gun drawing. Jensen came away with the home defense shotgun. Zeiters on a rimfire steel plate rack.[/caption] Over two dozen folks braved what were supposed to be terrible…