Congrats to Pontiac winners!
[caption id="attachment_10799" align="alignnone" width="600"] If you see Terry Zeiters (left) or Wayne Jensen (right), wish the congratulations on their winning the monthly gun drawing. Jensen came away with the home defense shotgun. Zeiters on a rimfire steel plate rack.[/caption] Over two dozen folks braved what were supposed to be terrible…
GIBLIN: Choosing a carry set-up
by Tim Giblin (GunsSaveLife) - There is always a new and improved tool (or toy) to make us “better”. The reality is, no one has time for that type of constant experimentation. This article is an attempt to present a very simple concept: consistency trumps potential any day of…
Champaign County Sheriff Dan Walsh on CCW implementation
[caption id="attachment_10792" align="alignnone" width="600"] He's No Tom Dart!Champaign County Sheriff Dan Walsh, pictured here at the January 2014 GSL meeting in Rantoul, is no Tom Dart when it comes to attitudes about law-abiding civilians owning, possessing and carrying guns. Cook County's Dart eschews civilians with guns. Walsh looks upon…
Pontiac GSL Meeting is on tonight!
Come on out and join us! Win a super-cool, pistol-gripped shotgun! Hear about the latest news in the gun rights world. See you soon!
G2’s R.I.P.: Last round you’ll ever need? No. It’s the last round you would ever want.
Shooting the Bull 410 has released the video from his second phase of testing on the new G2 Research R.I.P. round, touted in the media as some new end-all, be-all self-defense round. We wrote about the initial phase of testing here, and here's the video from the second round. Here's…
Al Jazeera and Moms Demand Action see eye-to-eye on your gun rights
al jazeera, the international symbol and beacon of freedom, tolerance and understanding now has a branch in America. It shouldn't be surprising that al jazeera America (capitalization intentional) is just as active promoting freedom, tolerance and understanding here in the good old US of A as the rest of that…
CUMBERLAND COUNTY: Coyote shootin’, CCW applyin’ goodness!
[caption id="attachment_10771" align="alignnone" width="620"] Dave Clark, left and Shawn Light of X-Ring Guns show off the trophies awarded to the top coyote hunters as part of their not-so-PeTA-approved "Coyote Competition".[/caption] Dave Clark from X-Ring Guns in the metropolis of Toledo (Illinois, that is) has been busy. He's got himself a…
Best Super Bowl Commercial: Hands down – Budweiser’s “A Hero’s Welcome”
Everyone always watches the Super Bowl commercials to find "the best one". This year, it wasn't even close. Budweiser scored a grand slam. Probably the best Super Bowl commercial for years, in fact. "A Hero's Welcome" See it yourself.
Crass Bill Mahar strikes again.
Bill Mahar struggles to remain relevant with another bigoted swipe against mainstream America. Friday, on his HBO program watched by 187 people world-wide, Mahar quipped, "Now that liberals have forwarded their agenda by inserting a mass gay wedding into the Grammys, conservatives must match them tit-for-tat by having a mass…
Cook County prosecutors charge Chicago homeowner after self-defense shooting of intruder
Leave it up to County County State's Attorney Anita Alvarez and her cadre of gun-hating, self-defense eschewing underlings to charge a Chicago man on crutches following a home invasion where the homeowner used his gun to thwart a pair of gang-banger home intruders. Two thugs broke in, but only…