Champaign County Sheriff now offering LiveScan printing…
For $71.50. Shop around, folks. Or just submit without fingerprints. Champaign County Sheriff Dan Walsh will be at the Tuesday night Rantoul GSL meeting. You'll have a chance to ask him why he chose this particular price point. -- John Fingerprinting for Conceal Carry License Applicants Beginning THURSDAY…
Problems applying for an IL CCW license? No internet access? Visit your local library!
[caption id="attachment_10460" align="alignnone" width="640"] Public library computer work stations can be used to apply for a CCW license in Illinois.[/caption] We here at Guns Save Life have been trying to figure out how to organize a network of volunteers to assist those without internet access or those not technologically…
[Graphic]: Slingshot safety 101.
Graphic video. Don't watch if you get squeamish about blood. The first rule of using and storing a projectile weapon: Know your target and what's beyond it. This rule applies to staple guns... and slingshots as well. Know that projectiles may bounce back, as this German gentleman discovered the…
Greedy thug comes back for seconds, gets fatally perforated by great-grandmother.
A great-grandmother in Shreveport, LA had her .38 pistol stolen in a burglary in December went to a local pawn shop and bought herself a new pistol for home defense. Little did she know that less than a month later, the same burglar - a 16-year-old thug - would be…
Three years since the Father of IGOLD Gene Martin passed away
This Friday marks the third anniversary of the passing of Emery Gene Martin. Most of us who knew him personally knew him as Gene. Most who knew him on the Internet knew him as "Ol Coach". His passing was especially sad as we all knew it was coming. As I…
BREAKING: Chicago’s gun sales ban struck down!
More bad news for gun grabbers! A federal court judge earlier today ruled Chicago's ban on gun sales in that city is unconstitutional. Oh, darn. That means another six-figure check from the City of Chicago to another law firm! Oh, double darn! (Buzzfeed) - Chicago’s strictest-in-the-nation law banning…
Pontiac meeting for Tuesday, Jan 7 cancelled
GSL's Pontiac regional coordinator John Gahm has cancelled the Pontiac GSL meeting for Tuesday, Jan 7 because of the big storm and cold temperatures. We'll see you next month or you can join us next Tuesday, Jan 14th in Rantoul to get your fix! Thanks.
KRUPA: Illinois Concealed Carry Instructor Fraud: Are Citizens Being Trained Correctly to Carry Concealed Firearms?
By John Krupa III Submitted by / used with permission of author. As citizens rush to obtain their Illinois Concealed Carry License (CCL) many unwarily fall victim to instructors failing to properly administer the state mandated training requirements. The Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) and the Illinois State Police…
Regime announces yet more anti-gun decrees
The Obama regime waited until Friday afternoon to announce their latest extra-legal edict to allow (read: force) states to provide mental health information to the national background check system in violation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act's privacy provisions. It marks yet another instance where this regime has…
Wounded Warrior Project responds to Guns Save Life
In the interests of fairness, I'd like to give the Wounded Warrior Project prime real estate here as a rebuttal to our most recent story about Wounded Warrior Project's efficiency (or lack thereof) in delivering donations directly to our nation's wounded servicemen and women. In our story, "Wounded Warriors Projected…