"The wounds I received I got in a job I love, doing it for people I love, supporting the freedom of a country I deeply love." - Jason Redman In this time when some veterans assistance groups take in hundreds of millions in donations and spend precious little on the…
Wounded Warriors Project “legal scam” kills off grassroots, all-volunteer “Help Indiana Veterans” group
The Wounded Warriors Project, a group that has been called a "legal scam" by veterans, has successfully killed off the all-volunteer Indiana veterans assistance group "Help Indiana Veterans". Why? Because Dean Graham, the head of Help Indiana Veterans, wrote that Wounded Warriors was a scam because that so-called charitable organization…
GunNews is UP! Special LIVE FREE USA issue
GunNews is up! This month, we've expanded to include a number of pages by and for our friends at LIVE FREE USA. Guns Save Life has partnered with Live Free You can download the new issue HERE.
State Journal-Register: Sangamon County Rifle Association has a new president
Nice coverage in the State Journal-Register on SCRA's new head! VIRDEN (State Journal-Register) — When Jim Butler decided 20 years as president of the Sangamon County Rifle Association was enough, he had his eye on Don Gwinn. Every time it came up in conversation, Gwinn stayed noncommittal. But last…
Maryland Gov. O’Malley: “the actions we take may well prevent another tragedy like that in Newtown”
[caption id="attachment_10627" align="alignnone" width="600"] Maryland's governor Martin O'Malley and China's Chairmain Mao: Both proponents of civilian disarmament.[/caption] Well, guess how Maryland Governor Oh-Mao-Lee sold his litany of strict gun control initiatives in early 2013? The threat of gun violence “will never go away,” O’Malley said, “but the actions we take…
Three dead in Maryland “NO GUNS” mall attack
Apparently there were sales to die for as three people are dead after a crazed, bad man with evil in his heart and a gun in his hands barged into a posted "NO GUNS" mall in Maryland and killed two people dead before offing himself today. The mall where it…
Proposed bill: Commit CCW instructor fraud, go to jail… We like the concept
Word has it there's going to be a bill introduced early this coming session of the General Assembly to make it a Class A Misdemeanor for instructors fraudulently signing off on students who have not been trained to state-mandated minimums. The catch? It's going to be a non-probational offense, meaning…
LOL! Philly’s Groceries for Guns program misspent 62% of DOJ grant
They misused 62% of a Department of Justice grant. Including paying the head cheese a $287k salary. Gun grabbers just can't help themselves. Philly's ‘Goods for Guns’ Program Misused Grant Funds: DOJ By Vince Lattanzio (NBC10) - An audit has charged a Philadelphia gun buyback program, which provided grocery gift…
A new lower for California low-information legislators
Photo from Aero Precision. You can buy one of these receivers too, even if you're not a low-information legislator - or even a low-information voter! h/t GunFreeZone They are inspired by this low-information legislator:
S&W says “Adios” to California semi-auto pistol market
S&W says "thanks, but no thanks" to silly California anti-gun regulations dealing with gun registries and microstamping. Even though California has the best looking Attorney General, according to President Barack Hussein Obama, that wasn't enough to sway S&W. By the way, where are all of the "War on Women" warriors…