Approved for Illinois CCW? Not so fast, pal.
[caption id="attachment_10585" align="alignnone" width="858"] Screen grab from Tuesday, January 21.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_10586" align="alignnone" width="856"] Screen grab from Thursday, January 23rd.[/caption] The Illinois State Police's implementation of the new Firearms Concealed Carry Act is working like a finely tuned, well-oiled machine it seems. In talking with a couple of…
Sick of Justin Bieber? 20/20 to profile the Armed Citizen Project on Jan 31st
If an effeminate, spoiled-brat crooner isn't your thing (just busted for driving under the influence and resisting arrest), then we invite you to check out the ABC News show 20/20 on January 31st. They are scheduled to run a profile of the Armed Citizen Project, the group that gives away…
ISP may be on thin ice with their gun prohibition to medical marijuana users and caregivers
The Illinois State Police proposed rulemaking announcement that medical marijuana card users would have to surrender their 2nd Amendment rights to use marijuana as a drug is probably not going to stand constitutional muster in the courts. The Oregon Supreme Court ruled in 2011 that police have no grounds to…
You like Rauner for Governor? Read about his company here.
Bruce Rauner: The guy running a ton of commercials on TV in his campaign for the Republican nomination for governor has ginned up a lot of support. That's despite the fact his campaign manager Ron Gidwitz gave $5,000 to an anti gun group in Chicago. Really. Read all about it.…
IL Medical marijuana card will come at high price… no guns.
Illinois' new medical marijuana law is pretty strict (not unlike the new concealed carry law). One little bugaboo: Those seeking a medical marijuana card would lose their rights to own or possess firearms in IL. It's all in the Chicago Tribune today: Patients who want to qualify for medical marijuana…
Wendy Davis crassly panders to gun owners in Texas
[caption id="attachment_10559" align="alignnone" width="640"] Little Miss Barbie Doll Wendy Davis.[/caption] PANDER: pan·der [pan-der] Show IPA noun Also, pan·der·er. 1. a person who furnishes clients for a prostitute or supplies persons for illicit sexual intercourse; procurer; pimp. 2. a person who caters to or profits from the weaknesses or vices of…
Anti-gun IL Representative Laura Fine can’t take the ISRA’s heat
Illinois State Representative Laura Fine was planning on holding a virulently anti-gun town hall meeting Wednesday evening in her district to lambast the new Illinois carry bill. On deck to support her was the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence and the Cook County State's Attorney's office. The plan: frighten her…
Lone Survivor: Go See It.
Andy over at Ace of Spades has a fabulous review of Lone Survivor. There's spoilers there, and here's the deal: It's like Titanic. The boat sinks. Spoiler in this movie: They all die except Marcus. And they kill a whole lot of Taliban riff-raff along the way. Anyway, Andy does…
GWINN: Time to Get to Work; February 2013 SCRA Meeting Lineup
[caption id="attachment_10545" align="alignnone" width="600"] JOIN US! Join Tom Shafer, Don Gwinn, Brent Harney and all the other regulars on Monday, February 3rd for a fun evening of gun rights and good fellowship at the Sangamon County Rifle Association meeting. We’re at the Supreme Buffet on S. MacArthur Blvd. in Springfield.…
NRA has little to fear from an out-of-touch Harvey Weinstein
[caption id="attachment_10538" align="alignnone" width="594"] Harvey Weinstein at some Hollywood fete. Weinstein is far outside mainstream America in the make-believe world of Hollywood. He doesn't associate with real Americans (see above), so it's not surprising his beliefs would be so far out-of-touch with America.[/caption] A fabulous commentary piece by Jonathon Tobin…