How quickly things can go sideways

How quickly can things go sideways? This body camera recording a police encounter shows how quickly things can go from an uncooperative driver who just had a car crash threatening to cut himself to a deadly force encounter. The cop makes contact with the guy about 1:40. The guy advances…

News you can use: Winter Driving tips

Drive like a pro, thanks to tips from a pro over at Popular Mechanics. Teaser: In eight years as a truck driver, Alan Wrobel has driven 810,000 miles (accident-free) in 45 states and Ontario. He now covers Ohio, Michigan, Ontario, and Wisconsin for a beverage distributor. Here's his advice on…

WIN! Signs coming down at Wal-Mart… UPDATED

We've seen reports that Wal-Mart is taking down the "No Guns" signage, thanks to gun owners politely contacting them and explaining the confusion the signs were causing.  GSL joined with other gun rights groups in encouraging gun owners to make their voices heard and with a little tact and finesse,…

We’re growing…

by John Boch Guns Save Life has been online in our current blog form for about fifteen months now and we continue to grow. Personally, I've always worked hard to grow and improve. One of my favorite strategies is to identify someone doing things well and then work to do…