GIBLIN: Stemming the Illinois Brain Drain

An Open Letter To the Firearms Community Stemming the Illinois Brain Drain. by Tim Giblin Under twenty-five years of Chicago politics, many law-abiding gun owners have fled the oppressive regime of the gun grabbers in Illinois. Even for truly common-sense legislation (right-to-carry laws that failed in 2012), we do not…

Peace on Earth: “Knockout game” comes to Peoria

Two middle school students tried to play the "Knockout Game" in Peoria last Friday right outside their school. They weren't successful and the victim notified police.  A school resource officer identified the two junior thugs.  No arrests were mentioned in the article on the WHOI website. Here's what William Bigelow… 2 million uniques in 2013

Minutes ago, at roughly 4pm CST, had its 2 millionth unique visitor this year. Above:  Total Visits, Unique Visitors, New Visitors, Return Visitors., the internet face of Guns Save Life the organization, went up last fall in our new format.  Elbowing our way into the crowded…

Deer hunter success down sharply this year

If you got a deer this year, you're ahead of many of the folks out hunting Bambi through the woods. Lousy weather and other factors brought the number of deer taken in the 2013 firearm deer season down almost 25%. Chicago Now has the numbers: [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="624"] Kyle…

WSJ: Wanna make money? Invest in gun stocks

The key to making money in the stock market this year? In a word:  Guns. So much for gun control, which observers say is pretty much a dead duck with the exception of a few isolated areas. The Wall Street Journal's Marketwatch has an article today about the great profits…

Great Guns V Winners!

[caption id="attachment_10180" align="alignnone" width="600"] Olivia Logue pulls the winning ticket last night as GSL First Lady Wendy Boch holds the door open for her. Dennis Reed looks on.[/caption] You remember we plugged our Great Guns V drawing a lot over the last six months or so. Well, last night was…