So-called “prepper” fail: “We’re going to take what you’ve got and there’s nothing you can do”
[caption id="attachment_9951" align="alignnone" width="620"] Tyler Smith stands back with two of his sons as wife Katie blasts pumpkins Friday at their home in Buckley. Smith started the survivalist group Spartan Survival to protect his family from a doomsday event. Smith will be featured on “Doomsday Preppers” at 6 and 8…
Americans 34 times more interested in buying guns than Obamacare
[caption id="attachment_9947" align="alignnone" width="498"] Image via ZeroHedge.[/caption] You do the math. Nearly 1.7m Americans bought guns last month, paying good money to secure the means to defend themselves and their family from criminal attack. Nearly 50k bought Obamacare - and most of them got it for free or darn close…
Anti-gun activists haven’t figured out that posters don’t stop bad men with guns
Oh, the irony is rich. (h/t to "GunFree Zone" blog). Anti-gun activists in Philadelphia can't see the forest for the trees. "" claims to be "Seeking solutions to the epidemic of homicide by gunfire in the City of Brotherly Love". In reality, they are advocating civilian disarmament. They hang up…
Gonzaga students disarmed following armed citizen incident, now report guns stolen
The two Gonzaga students who were the victims of an attempted home invasion by a career felon wearing an ankle bracelet have been disarmed at the hands of Gonzaga campus security despite the fact their apartment is located off Gonzaga's campus. [caption id="attachment_9939" align="alignright" width="258"] Career thug John Taylor.[/caption] The…
First-person armed citizen! A confrontation in Urbana, IL
First-person armed citizen A Confrontation and the aftermath 11/07/2013: Urbana, IL It has been estimated that between 200,000 to 300,000 righteous use of a firearm in the defense or possible defense of innocent life go unreported each year because the firearm is either never discharged or an armed citizen never…
More Guns, Less Crime true internationally.
by Awr Hawkins Since 1998, John Lott's seminal work More Guns, Less Crime has been used to show that areas with the highest gun ownership in America experience the least crime on a per capita basis. It now appears that what Lott discovered as true for the U.S.A. is true…
FLASH: Dick Metcalf axed from Guns & Ammo
Dick Metcalf, a long-time gun writer and editor of Guns & Ammo magazine, was unceremoniously fired today. His termination comes on the heels of his column in the latest issue of that gun mag, in which he discusses his approval of further regulations of Second Amendment Rights. “I believe in…
SHARPE: Reading, PA CCW holder fatally perforates armed robber duo; Family reacts, Sharpe responds
[caption id="attachment_9905" align="alignnone" width="568"] Scumbag armed robbers. Their families are "demanding justice" for the "good boys" who were threatening to kill people as part of an armed robbery.[/caption] by Frank Sharpe Fortress Defense Consultants [caption id="attachment_9907" align="alignnone" width="600"] Good boys got dead while committing an armed robbery.[/caption] It was…
School official bans parent over Facebook post of her carry permit
An elementary school principal banned a student's parent after seeing a Facebook post of the parent's carry permit. The parent has since moved her daughter into another school and is seeking a public apology, which probably won't be forthcoming anytime soon. (FoxNews) - An Army veteran living in Georgia…