WSJ: Wanna make money? Invest in gun stocks

The key to making money in the stock market this year? In a word:  Guns. So much for gun control, which observers say is pretty much a dead duck with the exception of a few isolated areas. The Wall Street Journal's Marketwatch has an article today about the great profits…

Great Guns V Winners!

[caption id="attachment_10180" align="alignnone" width="600"] Olivia Logue pulls the winning ticket last night as GSL First Lady Wendy Boch holds the door open for her. Dennis Reed looks on.[/caption] You remember we plugged our Great Guns V drawing a lot over the last six months or so. Well, last night was…

Gun haters cheer tyranny

  Days of our Trailers found an editorial piece (or is it a news item?) in the NY Daily News. Yeah, it's the same sorry excuse for a newspaper that claimed, falsely, that the Navy Yard killer used an AR-15 when in fact it was a garden variety pump shotgun.…

IL CCW Fingerprints: Are they going to be required?

  We're getting all sorts of people asking us about fingerprints for the Illinois CCW license. Are they going to be required?  Are they not?  The statute itself says, "the Department may accept an application submitted without a set of fingerprints in which case the Department shall be granted 30…

Guns Save Lives day coming up Sunday, Dec. 15th.

"Guns Save Lives" Day - an event sponsored by the Second Amendment Foundation - will be held this coming Sunday, December 15th. There is some confusion that folks think it's "Guns Save Life" that is sponsoring this event. Nope, it's not us.  However, Guns Save Life does support the concepts…