Bloomberg/Emanuel “3 years mandatory minimum” proposal pulled; DOA as written

[caption id="attachment_9825" align="alignnone" width="600"] RINO Mark Kirk appears with Chicago's chief of police and amateur streetlight assassin to advocate for bringing Chicago-style gun control to the entire state of Illinois. Trib photo.[/caption] We've seen a number of reports indicating that Mayor Bloomberg/Emanuel's Draconian 3-year mandatory minimum prison sentence for carrying…

GASP! Interpol chief ponders benefits of armed citizenry

  [caption id="attachment_9819" align="alignnone" width="560"] Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble. Photo courtesy Wiki.[/caption] Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble discussed the unthinkable for some in big government:  The option of encouraging an armed citizenry to deal with terror attacks on "soft targets" like shopping malls in an interview with ABC News. …

Campaign to restrict IL right-to-carry kicks off…

From ANTI-GUNNERS BEGIN CAMPAIGN TO DISMANTLE CONCEALED CARRY The Illinois General Assembly returns to session Monday, October 21st,  and the anti-gunners are wasting no time in attempting to dismantle the concealed carry bill passed last spring. Your help is desperately needed to shut down the gun control movement’s efforts…

Another simple-minded love note

Caution:  Harsh language alert. You send us this stuff and we'll repost 'em. How does the old expression go? "Better to be thought an idiot than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." Here's a direct cut and paste, including formatting.  (Well, except for our comment after his introduction!)…

Supermodel turned anti-gun leftist spews vile, offensive demagoguery

[caption id="attachment_9770" align="alignright" width="704"] Martha Rosenberg[/caption]   This supermodel turned anti-gun leftist vomits vile, offensive demagoguery and far-left talking points on guns. It was probably the weed talking when she wrote this piece that was posted at the "OpEdNews" website, a clearinghouse for leftist propaganda. [caption id="attachment_9771" align="alignright" width="360"] Emphasis…