Meet today’s ‘Neighborhood Watch’ in Chicago…
For the sarcastically impaired, yes it sarcasm. Meet the "men" dedicating their lives to ensuring the safety and security for everyday people in Murder City USA's neighborhoods. They work selflessly, carrying their switch-equipped Glocks in one hand and a cup of booze in the other. And Murder City Mayor Brandon…
DOLTON’S DIRTY MAYOR: Lil’ Tiffany Henyard has the FBI sniffing her for corruption
Fresh off the news that not one, not two, but thirteen of the city's vehicles getting repossessed for failure to make payments, Dolton, IL "Mayor for Life" Tifany Henyard has a new set of problems. Now the FBI is sniffing around for evidence of criminal corruption. Dolton, a tiny city…
SAVAGE! Donald Trump posts short video on his Instagram account
How long it lasts before the censors take it down is an entirely different matter. It's Joe Biden walking with Nancy Pelosi. SAVAGE! Trump posted this on his Instagram — Breaking911 (@Breaking911) February 23, 2024
IL Primary Election has arrived: 14th Congressional primary Marter vs. Kim
Illinois is a deep blue state on the whole. And along with deep blue comes a disregard of and even a hatred for issues like gun rights for the little people among many in the political class - even among some Republicans. What’s surprised me in this election season is…
REALLY GOOD NEWS: Judge McGlynn issues clarifying order in our challenge to PICA gun & magazine ban
Judge McGlynn dropped a pre-conference hearing "memorandum" ahead of our Scheduling Conference scheduled for Wednesday. While this is nothing but a memorandum, it's 16 pages of bad news for Kwame Raoul and his defense of the indefensible PICA law. Maybe very bad news. In essence, District Court Judge McGlynn has…
Mayor Big Mouth Johnson costs Chicago million$ extra for Shot Spotter contract extension
Murder City Mayor "Let's Go Brandon" Johnson may be on the verge of cementing a new nickname for himself: Birdbrain. A couple of weeks ago, Birdbrain unilaterally announced that he was ending the city's use of Shot Spotter in September. He called the system which identified gunfire and allows a…
BREAK OUT YOUR CHECKBOOK, WAYNE: Jury finds Wayne LaPierre GUILTY in civil corruption trial, assessed $4.3M in restitution
For years Wayne LaPierre dismissed charges of malfeasance under his watch as unfounded. He fired or replaced whistleblowers like Col. Oliver North. And then Latitia James caught up with him. On Friday a jury convicted the face of the NRA for mismanagement and misuse of charitable funds. As it was…
GREAT GUNS 2024: Win this M1A Scout Squad
Guns Save Life announces our "Great Guns 2024" drawing. Yes, Virginia, we'll be giving away a Springfield Armory M1A Scout Squad on the second Thursday in June at the Charleston GSL meeting. This firearm is (obviously) Illinois legal. It's basically a carbine-length M1A with a muzzle brake instead of a…
GunNews is in the mail… Here’s a teaser…
GunNews went to press and has hit the US Post Office. It's also arrived at the first node of distribution hubs throughout the major regions of Illinois. Our volunteers are taking them in the course of their daily travels to their final destinations right now and throughout the weekend. If…
ISP rules now allow private transfers to be completed without going to a dealer for those who use the online Firearm Transfer portal
(GSL) - Effective January 1, 2024, those wishing to complete a private sale of a firearm in Illinois no longer have to go to a federally licensed gun dealer to complete the transaction. Instead of going to a gun shop, private parties can now use the Illinois State Police Firearm…