Guest post: Gun Control… Are Sales Increasing?
We bring you a guest post by Brooke Brown. Gun Control: Are Sales Increasing? by Brooke Brown In an attempt to curb gun violence, the government inadvertently caused a huge increase in ammunition and gun sales caused by the fear of gun sales restrictions being imposed. However, prior to President…
And I Carry – The real face of permit to carry holders in MN
Shelley Leeson from the Twin Cities Gun Owners & Carry Forum ( ) just finished producing a wonderful 2.5 minute video showing the real face (s) of carry permit holders in Minnesota. Contrary to what the gun-grabbing bigots over at the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence think, not a…
RACIST MAIG MAYOR BUSTED: Racism on tape for all to see
Better to be thought an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. That goes for being a racist bunghole too. But give Mayors Against Gun member Gordon Jenkins a few drinks and he's eager to open his mouth for all to see and hear what a…
We are winning the culture war
by John Boch We, as gun owners, are winning the cultural war against those who would legislate away our right to keep and bear arms. These do-gooders who seek to render us defenseless “for our own good” would, in reality, only be inadvertently setting us up to recreate past tyrannies.…
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence: An army of bigots
[caption id="attachment_10004" align="alignnone" width="720"]A Facebook post at the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. Their supporters' comments belie their deep-seated bigotry.[/caption] Miguel over at "Gun Free Zone" posted a colossal gem of gun control advocates' bigotry late Friday. Oh, and the gun grabber bigotry continues unabated. It's a family photo…
KUBICEK: Shoot to live
by Fred Kubicek (November 14) - Yesterday I spent an incredibly cold and windy day completing the final 8 hours of the Illinois mandatory conceal carry training. Prior to that time I had completed the NRA’s Personal Protection In The Home Course, which consisted of two days of lectures and…
Illinois town turns away FEMA? With guns? So says the Blaze
There's a story that began floating yesterday that an Illinois residents turned away FEMA people from their tornado-ravaged town. Glenn Beck reported it on his radio show and on The Blaze website. He didn't mention the town. We, as residents of Central Illinois, know the two towns hit hardest this…
Chicago judges ignore sentencing laws; innocent people die because of it
The Chicago Sun-Times stepped off the reservation and reported on how Cook County judges are ignoring state sentencing guidelines and laws, letting young felons committing violent, forcible felonies off with a slap on the wrist. It's one of the many reasons Chicago Isn't Safe. Not even for college students who…
Armed Citizen: Home invasion quartet no match for the music of a Colt 1911
Three men and a woman, all reputed illegal aliens, forced entry on an apartment in Columbus, Ohio Wednesday evening. The homeowner, a 69-year-old Viet Nam vet, turned to his trusty Government Model .45 and fired shots at the invading quartet, perforating two of the male armed intruders. One…
Farmers and teachers don’t make good NRA instructors? Huh? UPDATE: Type A responds
Farmers and teachers don't make good NRA instructors? So says a man who claims to reporters that he's a "skilled former service member of the U.S. Army Special Forces and has trained over 5,000 soldiers and counter terrorist team members in a variety of environments from the mundane to many…