What about concealed carry insurance?

From the November 2013 issue of GunNews. by John Naese Illinois has finally passed a carry law, and you (I hope) are busily getting your ducks in a row. You’re obtaining or choosing a firearm; you’re getting a quality holster or other means of discreetly carrying; you’re getting the required…

Illinois Concealed Carry update

Implementation issues have been the main topic of news relating to Illinois’ new Firearms Concealed Carry Act.  There are also a couple of potential mine fields to avoid for prospective licensees.   Fingerprints. Illinois is going to require fingerprints for applicants seeking an Illinois concealed carry license, either in the…

Don’t Mess With an Old (Armed) Man

Two young thugs no match for 75 year old homeowner with a gun and a quick mind.   Gypsy Wayne Watts, seen in better days before a fatal error in victim selection. In Minnesota, two young, fit men thought they could easily victimize an elderly man with some physical limitations.…