Anti-gun forum tonight at Eastern IL University
We've got one or two of our faithful who are set to take some pics and send a report if anything exciting or meaningful happens. Word has it there will be more than a few pro-gun folks in the audience. If you're in the neighborhood, stop on by. Take some…
Another simple-minded love note
Caution: Harsh language alert. You send us this stuff and we'll repost 'em. How does the old expression go? "Better to be thought an idiot than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." Here's a direct cut and paste, including formatting. (Well, except for our comment after his introduction!)…
Bloomberg’s fingerprints all over Illinois’ “3-year mandatory minimum” proposal
[caption id="attachment_9787" align="alignnone" width="600"] Mayor Bloomberg, finished with his escapades in Colorado, is now targeting Illinois with a mandatory three-year minimum prison sentence for unlawful possession of a gun. For example, under Bloomberg's clever "black-bag operation" proposal, even if out-of-staters have a carry permit, if they have a gun in…
Equip 2 Conceal’s lawyer writes; our reply UPDATE: MORE UGLINESS…
[caption id="attachment_9752" align="alignnone" width="481"] Equip 2 Conceal head honcho Rob Shewmake is proud of his Ford Raptor pickup truck. Well, his proverbial truck suffered a bit of wreck after it tried to run over Guns Save Life for reporting his class advertisement that was at the time misleading and…
Supermodel turned anti-gun leftist spews vile, offensive demagoguery
[caption id="attachment_9770" align="alignright" width="704"] Martha Rosenberg[/caption] This supermodel turned anti-gun leftist vomits vile, offensive demagoguery and far-left talking points on guns. It was probably the weed talking when she wrote this piece that was posted at the "OpEdNews" website, a clearinghouse for leftist propaganda. [caption id="attachment_9771" align="alignright" width="360"] Emphasis…
Twofer: MAIG Mayors going to prison (Don’t drop the soap, boys)
It's been a busy week for Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) group of gun-grabbing mayors. First up, Filthy Filner, the San Diego Mayor who had a reputation for sexually harassing lots of lots of ladies, pled guilty to some reduced charges. Rumor had it his…
A nasty email from a special fan of Guns Save Life
So, I'm reading through my personal email today and came across this gem from a special fan of Guns Save Life: X-Mailer: YahooMailWebService/ Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 08:34:25 -0700 (PDT) From: Orin Madden <> Reply-To: Orin Madden <> Subject: Guns save lives day To: "" <>,…
Draconian proposal to turn petty offenses into 3-years mandatory minimum for a victimless crime
[caption id="attachment_9742" align="alignnone" width="600"] Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, now convicted felon and prison wife.[/caption] The Shylocks in Springfield are up to their old tricks. From NRA-ILA: House Bill 2265, sponsored by state Representative Michael Zalewski (D-23), is poised to create and impose harsh mandatory minimum felony penalties ranging…
Corner-cutting “trainers”: Convicted trainer claims he’s innocent…
NRA trainers run the gamut from outstanding and dedicated experienced instructors to newbies (fairly common now in Illinois) to not so outstanding trainers. Then there are a small handful of unethical so-called "trainers" out solely for the almighty dollar, grinding large numbers of students through what are effectively "diploma…
Chicago’s “Safe Passage” signs not big enough? Five shot on Safe Passage route
Yesterday, in broad daylight,violent predatory thugs open fired on a group of people outside the Uptown Baptist Church, gathering for prayer and a free dinner. Five people were struck by bullets in what is designated as a "Safe Passage" route for Chicago school children going to and from school. It…