Cougar attack in East Central Illinois

  From Facebook: Cougar attacked a horse on 1488 & Kickapoo Rd., which is near where I live. Friends and neighbors in our area, please beware.... This cat has been spotted on my neighbor's property and is responsible for the death of at least one of their rheas. The horse…

Meet the new face of gun ownership ;-)

Is gun ownership stagnating? Anti-gun folks and the big, mainstream media would have you believe that a shrinking pool gun owners are buying all these guns and ammunition of late. Yeah. Just like they would have you believe Barack Obama supports your right to own a gun. (Sarcasm off). Well,…

News roundup! School apologizes about NRA shirt, more…

Remember Haley from yesterday? Well, it looks like the school administrators heard from lawyers, who probably briefed them on some of the settlements and judgements received by students in other school districts throughout America who were forced to remove their NRA t-shirts.   ANAHEIM HILLS ( — A high school…