When police are minutes away, armed citizens make all the difference
h/t to The Truth About Guns A compilation of self-defense video and stories where good people with guns used those tools to thwart criminal attack. Good stuff here. And, from BuzzFeed, a written compilation of nine potential mass glory killings stopped short thanks to good guys with guns. Here's…
STARBUCKS FOLDS: Starbucks bans guns in stores, effective immediately.
Starbucks folds to the antis. Even after the "buycott" gun owners helped to buoy the store not so long ago, completely blowing up in the face of antis who thought they were going to punish the company for not prohibiting lawful carry of firearms by customers. I think I've had…
Compilation of what we now know about the NAVSEA glory killer
Apparently scumbag bought a Remington 870 after he test-fired an AR-15. He liked the AR, but was precluded from buying it as he was not a Virginia resident. Lots of folks say he took Joe Biden's advice and went with the shotgun. A shotgun, loaded with buckshot, is a…
Incendiary image of the week: Tracing the problem with guns
Your incendiary image of the week was found on Facebook today. Could it be the people who vote for a living are the crime problem? Just asking...
The truth be damned: More media epic fail in DC glory killing
Nevermind that according to the FBI, the glory killer had no AR rifle. We're betting the NY Daily News doesn't issue a full-page cover retraction tomorrow.
Bury Chicago’s seamy underside: Media kills story of gang-bangers’ rampage at McCormick Place
CBS Chicago spiked a story of gang-bangers being hired at Chicago's McCormick Place Convention Center as day laborers for the Print expo last week. Now, for those who have little knowledge of McCormick Center, they have all sorts of rules and procedures to bilk exhibitors out of money. Lots…
Illinois Concealed Carry Update: Sept. 17, 2013
There's a precious little that's been happening in Illinois with regard to our new Firearms Concealed Carry Act. At this point, we believe it's time for Illinois gun owners to begin contacting their state representatives and senators to begin the process of putting pressure on the Illinois State Police to…
German Army HK-36s exhibit “significant shortcomings” in real world conditions
Der Spiegel published a report this past weekend outlining some of the problems the German army is seeing in its issue Heckler and Kock HK-36 rifle and its performance in the real world. The problem? It's made with a lot of plastic parts, apparently, and the plastic doesn't like it…
The Death of Gun Control: Not so fast
[caption id="attachment_9225" align="alignnone" width="960"] Pack your bags and say your goodbyes Angela Giron. This politician thought she could snub her constituents and their interests in favor of supporting the agenda of a billionaire advocate for the nanny state without consequence. She found out how wrong she was.[/caption] That Atlantic splashed…
Multiple shooters at “No Guns” Naval Yard; hallmark of terror attack
It looks as though there are three or more shooters at two or more separate locations there at the D.C. Naval Yard, a location that's a "no guns" zone. How did that "No Guns Zone" work out for the families of those killed and wounded? The incident, with multiple shooters…