Gun show loophole? Yeah, right…

(Examiner) Gun show 'prohibited person' arrests expose 'easily dodged background check' lie Anyone who has followed the gun rights/"gun control" debate for even a short time has heard the gun prohibition lobby's incessant yammering about the mythical "gun show loophole," and more recently, the outright lie that "40% of gun…

IOWA: Anti-gunners oppose self-defense choice for diabled

Anti-gunners are wringing their hands about those with visual disabilities getting carry permits in Iowa. Any excuse they can imagine, right? This "story" made the mainstream media.  Could you imagine many other topics they would treat the same?  Can you imagine these same people who are worried about so-called blind…

What you gon’ do with all that junk?

If that junk happens to be brass cartridge casings or shotgun shell hulls you picked up after a day at the range, you are in for an unpleasant surprise should you get pulled over in the District of Columbia. People running DC  seem to be quite discriminating when it comes…

Desperate mainstream media proposed re-write of 2nd Amendment

The poor mainstream media are reaching for more and more outlandish stunts to get attention in their increasing desperation to gain online visitors to their websites and the occasional readers of their dead-tree, old-school print versions. Doubly so for the old-school print magazines. The latest prime example? The Philadelphia Enquirer's…