QUINCY COMING WEDNESDAY! Quincy’s GSL chapter meeting will feature retired Navy SEAL Jared Ogden… in March we’ll have Tom DeVore!
Quincy's Guns Save Life meeting has some incredible stuff happening. And even more better things are coming. Here's a couple of teasers: We're in talks to bring William Kirk of Washington Gun Law to our meeting as a speaker. We'll have Tom DeVore at our March 27th meeting as our…
PAGING TIM HARRIS: The inept IL Republican Party can’t even mail out a fundraiser without screwing it up…
"Dear John," the letter from the Illinois Republican Party begins. It's a letter sent out by the Illinois Republican Party State Chairman Don Tracy. Yeah, that Don Tracy. "I am proud to present your Illinois Republican Party Sustaining Membership Card for the 2024 Election Year. Embossed with your name and…
Kansas City Chiefs Mass Casualty Incident: Gang beef or Islamic terror test run
We all saw the post-Superbowl parade mass casualty incident in Kansas City, Missouri. All told 21 were wounded and one person died. A dozen kids were wounded. Was it gang violence erupting from young gang members with little impulse control? Or was it more ominous? At first it surely seemed…
Site Down Report
Hello all, John might delete this because it isn't pretty, like his posts. On Wed, Feb 21, the site experienced downtime. The cause was an infrastructure update that caused certain resources to go offline. At no time was there a risk to the contents of the site. The resources (ceph…
Murder City Mayor gutting Chicago Fire just like he’s done PD; ambos downgraded from paramedics to basic EMTs, ladder trucks downgraded to engines
Second City Cop posted alarming news Friday night. Not only are a bunch of formerly Advanced Life Support (Paramedic) ambos now running with just "Basic Life Support" EMTs, but only 20% of the ladder trucks are operational under Let's Go Brandon. Looks like Big Brain Brandon is doing the same…
FREE Educator Concealed Carry Class June 22 & 23 at DeWitt Co. Sportsman’s Club near Clinton
Guns Save Life has partnered with GSL Defense Training and DeWitt County Sportsman's Club (DCSC) to offer a FREE 16-hour Illinois Concealed Carry course this summer in Clinton. It will take place on June 22 & 23 at DCSC facility six miles east of Clinton on Rt. 10. Open to…
KANSAS CITY MASS CASUALTY INCIDENT: Evidence shows it was just more GANG VIOLENCE not ‘gun violence’
Isn't it amazing how the mainstream media's narratives never change. Even in the face of evidence to the contrary. Take gang violence in our cities. When gangs shoot up public places, the mainstream media usually cover the story aggressively, with a pillow that is, until it stops moving. Take the…
Conspicuously pro-gun candidates coming out in Illinois races… God bless the righteous among us
Illinois is a deep blue state on the whole. And along with deep blue comes a disregard of and even a hatred for issues like gun rights for the little people. However, outside of Chicagoland, the blue quickly turns purple and even red. Unlike Chicago residents, where some live in…
BUMBLING IDIOT MAYOR JOHNSON: Announced cancellation of ShotSpotter before nailing down a contract extension… ShotSpotter says ‘nah bro’ to short-term extension
Murder City Bonehead Mayor Brandon Johnson announced in recent days that the city would discontinue using ShotSpotter after the summer murder season – and the Democratic National Convention. No big deal, right? Giving police a chance to respond rapidly to the location of shots fired, especially full-auto strings of fire, and…
CAVEAT EMPTOR: IL Firearms Association Fundraising in full swing
You thought the Illinois State Rifle Association sent out a lot of fundraising mailings? You thought the NRA was bad about constantly trying to raise money through mailings? Folks, you haven't seen anything until you've seen the Dorr boys. The Dorr Brothers, the fine folks behind the American Firearms Association…